Where would I Be without rejection?Â
Somewhere I was never meant to be.
I’d be in the dark instead of the light.
I’d be on a path that only led to a dead end…
If this life didn’t deal its cards of rejection, I believe I wouldn’t be the person I am today- I wouldn’t know the God I know now. I’d be serving this world, instead of my creator. If I never stood face to face with rejection then the person I was born to be would have ceased to exist.
My biggest rejections have become my biggest blessings. The nights of heartache have turned into nights of freedom and rest. The denials I received have taken me closer to my future dreams.
Yes, if I didn’t know rejection I wouldn’t be faced with lost relationships I once held dear and dreams that flew out of my reach. With rejection came heartbreak, tears, and anxiety. However, this is what created my emotions that spilled out on paper. The passion I have for writing was found in the midst of my adversities.
I once was that person afraid to be rejected because I feared a closed door. However, I have come to realization that any closed door is only the beginning to finding the open door. I no longer avoid rejection because it redirects my steps.
Sometimes, instead of facing our rejection we want to look the other way. In order to handle rejection, we need to realize there is good in it. I have developed 4 key tips to not only facing it, but also overcoming it…
1. Make a list of past rejections. This could include heartbreaks.
2. DIG DEEP! With this list, you should analyze each rejection. Think about the things that have replaced the rejection, or the things that came from the feelings of being rejected. Let’s say you were denied a job you applied to.  Was there another job that came right after that? Maybe that job was better suited for you? This would be an example of finding the good in the rejection.
3. Now, make a list of current rejections.  Make a list of potential reasons for the rejection. By this, I mean a positive list. I don’t mean criticizing yourself. Think about the opportunities that could possibly come. Make sure to do this in the future so you never give up. This will help you realize rejections are only redirections to something better.
4.  It is now time to take a step back to realize where you are in your life. You may see how the rejections have built you a stairwell to your destination.  Remember, your journey isn’t over yet. You aren’t at the exact place you are meant to be, but I am sure you are living the moments that lead up to the destination.