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How To Know You Have Quality Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Quality friends may be hard to come by, but when they enter into your life you’ll know right away.

As you go through life, you will believe that a good majority of the friends you make will stick by you for many years to come. In the moment they will all prove to be good friends that are there for you when you need them but unfortunately not all of them will be willing to make an effort to make the friendship last. People will change, move on, or even move away, putting a strain on what was once an unbreakable bond.

I have had my fair share of friendships that either just didn’t work out at all or the friendship wasn’t as strong as it once was in the beginning. There were times where I became the third wheel of the friend group and times where I was left as the last option when all of my friend’s other friends were too busy to hang out with them. It’s a crappy feeling to be in either of those scenarios and it sucks even more when these “friends” seemed to be your ride or dies.

So how does one know when you have finally found quality friends? These quality friends are the ones that will openly listen to you rant about nonsense 24/7, send you random appreciation texts/letters, make you laugh (maybe roast you a little bit), lift your spirits, motivate you to be the best that you can be and to just shoot for the stars. They should make you feel amazing in your own skin and appreciate all that you have to offer. They are the ones that you don’t have to talk to every single day to know that they care for you and will always have your back. You can have fun doing anything with them, even something as simple as making a quick trip to Walmart or grocery shopping. There’s no better feeling than when you have reached the point in the friendship that you can feel completely and totally comfortable around them, letting your weird side take over with no shame whatsoever.

Everyday I reminded of just how blessed I am to have the friends that I do. They always check up on me, motivate me, support me, and just exceed my expectations of what a great friend should be like. Being at a smaller campus made it a bit easier to make friends, some that I continue to talk to since freshman year. I used to be that super shy girl when I was younger that had the hardest time making friends, but life has brought me some quality friends that I wouldn’t trade for the world!


Shayla Fajardo

Shayla Fajardo is a student at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg who is majoring in Biology. She enjoys eating unhealthy amounts of pizza, hanging out with friends, binge watching Netflix shows, and attending concerts. A goal of hers has always been to be more involved on campus, so she made sure to actively be involved in three clubs at USFSP- Her Campus, Multicultural Activities Council, and Harborside Activities Board. Shayla's ultimate life goal is to one day become a marine biologist who can travel the world and make a difference.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.