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How to Open the Doorway to a Positive Lifestyle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

    When the gust of negative energy sweeps in to knock you off your feet, what do you do? This is the question I have been asking myself for years. When the negative force controls my life, I am not sure how to gain the control back. Ever feel this way?

    I have recently been trying to gain back what I lost, my self-esteem. I have found several different tips, 10 to be exact, of how to replace the negative energy with positive energy. I believe most women in life go through the phase of trying to be something they are not. I have found that loving yourself for who you are is the best way to go. These are the 10 steps I discovered that works…

  1. Get to know yourself better! First, before you start to build your confidence, you need to know the strengths you carry and the things you love to do. These strengths and things you love will help you create a positive mind set.

  2. Learn to strengthen your best qualities. As you start to strengthen your best qualities

your negative qualities will disappear. The positive qualities will be so strong that it            will outweigh the negative qualities you believe you have.

  1. Commend yourself! Acknowledge the good works you do. Throughout the day learn to praise yourself for the positive things you do. When you make a mistake or do something wrong set your mind back to what you did right that day. Tell yourself, “I may have messed up, but earlier I did … (positive thing).” Then, move on! Don’t let yourself get carried away in the mess of the mistake because it will only bring your self-confidence down.

  2. Learn something new! (Skill or craft) This builds self-confidence. There is opportunity for self praise when you teach yourself something new while accomplishing it.  

  3. Involve yourself in the things you love. When you do things you love it keeps your spirit high while making you happy. It also brings your mind in a positive state. It allows a distraction from the negative energy.

  4. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people! Don’t leave yourself alone all the time because that only opens the doorway for negative thoughts. When you surround yourself with positive people it helps influence you to have a positive outlook. Talk to your friends about your issues and allow them to give you supportive advice. When you keep things in it only becomes a heavier burden.

  5. Don’t compare yourself with others. Someone will always have more, but when you allow it to make you jealous it builds self-hatred. Learn to love what you have so you don’t have to compare.

  6. Learn to be who YOU want to be. When looking in the mirror see the woman you want to be, not who the world wants you to be. The world has an image of who the ideal woman is, but no one will ever fit that image. So look into the mirror to see the image of your ideal woman.  

  7. Find the positive qualities. When you look in the mirror find and point out the qualities you love about yourself. Don’t point out the flaws you have. Instead, say, “my eyes are beautiful” or “my hair looks great today.” Do this every time you look in the mirror to build your self-esteem. Stick quotes about being beautiful on the mirror as a reminder.

  8. Be you! As corny as this sounds, don’t try to be anybody else because everyone is made different. No one can be the same person, so you will only disappoint yourself when you find you can’t be someone else. When you realize you are born to be different you can begin to love who you are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ks3R2BwyO0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-ks3R2BwyO0&app=desktop

Kelly Mora-Romero is the President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus USF St. Petersburg. She was born in Colombia but has lived in the US since 2004. As a Global Business and Marketing major with a minor in Mass Communications, Kelly's dream job is to work in international marketing with a big communications company; traveling is a must! Her biggest inspiration for stories come from local or campus-related news, advise for the every-day life and tips on success. If you wish to contact Campus Correspondent Kelly for article ideas or any comments/concerns/issues at USFSP email at: kellyromero@hercampus.com For any other personal inquiries email: kellyjulieth@mail.usf.edu HCXO