I am one in five women; I am the one that was sexual assaulted.
You don’t ever think it will happen to you until it has happened to you. You sit there thinking to yourself, “Why aren’t I screaming? Why aren’t I pushing him away?”. This has been the only time in my life where I felt truly silenced.
I had to deal with hearing my mother tell me I deserved it. I had a friend tell me that I wasn’t assaulted. The one thing I didn’t hear from was myself saying it wasn’t my fault. I heard myself cry, thinking in my mind, “Why must I have gone over to his room? Why must I have kissed him?”.
he doesn’t know what he did was wrong.
He doesn’t know that now when a man pursues me that at the back of my mind I think, “what does he want from me?”
The day I was raped,
But I will remember this day, the day I am no longer silenced.
To women and men who have been sexually assaulted know, it is not your vault. That he or she can’t hold a flame to the amount of strength you have inside you.
That you have a beauty in you that is indescribable and that you are loved.
Anonymous Her Campus at USFSP Contributor