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Meet the Team: Thalie Charles-Cazeau

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Our campus celebrity for this week is the amazing Thalie Charles-Cazeau. She is a unique person with an outstanding personality. She has her own style and way of doing things. Say hello to Thalie!

What’s your major and age?

I’m a Mass Communications major and I’m 20 years old.

What do you plan to do with a Mass Communication degree?

My plan is to get a job at a fashion magazine, like Vogue, Teen Vogue, Elle, or Glamour.

When did fashion become such a big interest to you?

I’ve always been interested in it but I didn’t realize that I wanted to work in fashion until last year.

Where are you originally from?

I’m from Canada originally.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully, I’ll be living in New York, working at a top fashion magazine,and married. I think that I’ll definitely be hitting my stride professionally.

What are you involved in on campus?

I’m a writer/blogger for HerCampus, president of the French Club, and a member of University Relations.

What are your favorite hobbies?

My favorite hobby is reading, I absolutely adore it.

What made you choose USFSP?

My parents wanted me to start somewhere small, they thought that it would be an easier transition from high school to college.

What advice do you have for incoming freshman?

Don’t worry so much. Try not to stress about the future and don’t compare yourself to others. It takes time but everything will eventually fall into place.

When did you realize that Mass Communications is the major for you?

I chose it before I got to school. I chose Mass Communications because I wanted a major that I could do a lot of different things with.

Choya Randolph is a Mass Communication major at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. She loves writing blogs and yearns to be writer for magazines or television entertainment. She's a junior and is bound to graduate Fall 2015. She plans to go to graduate school to get her Masters. To contact Choya email her at choya@mail.usf.edu
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.Â