1. Set a Limit! Look at your budget and decide how much you will be able to spend, or
if you have a Black Friday piggy bank count how much money you have saved over
the year.
2. Make a List and Check it Twice. Once you know how much money you plan on
spending create a list of things you want to. Sometimes going through and cleaning
out your closet can help you determine what you really need.
3. Look Through Ads. By now most store have their Black Friday ads available online
or in stores. Look through the different ads to see which store has the best deal for
the items on your list. Also stores have addition coupons in their ads that can help
you save even more money.
1. Cash Only. To prevent going over budget take out cash and leave you debt card
home. That way when you’re out of money you know it is time to go home.
2. Bring a Friend. Shopping is always better with a friends. They are an extra set of
eyes, they will help you decide if you actually look good in things and prevent the
dreaded impulse buys.
3. Say No. During Black Friday many stores offer extra discounts for customers who
open up a store credit card. Although it sounds like a good idea, there are tons of
loop holes that the store doesn’t tell you about. JUST SAY NO!
Whether you are shopping for yourself or buying Christmas presents, hopefully this
guide has help you prepare for November 27-28.