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Social Media Detox

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

I’m currently in the longest week of my life. Part of my Magazine and Feature writing class has me giving up social media for a week and writing about my experience. Not to be dramatic, but this challenge has proved harder than I thought.

To make my life slightly easier I decided to get rid of them cold turkey. I no longer have these temptations looming on my phone homescreen. No more Facebook. No more Twitter. No more Instagram. Nothing. So all that basically means is: no more joy for Imani.

I had a very unhealthy habit of being on my phone an excessive amount of time long before I fully opened my eyes in the morning. Like clockwork, I would shut my alarm off in the morning and then aimlessly catch up on the “drama” and photos that I had missed while I was sleeping. I did need a change, and it took this assignment for class to make it. Better late than never.

I would say the hardest part of the cleanse was not being able to update Snapchat. Through this, I have realized that is one of my favorite social media apps. Even though I knew the app is no longer on my phone I keep having that “omg i need to record this!” feeling when something notable happens, and then I have that terrible realization that I, in fact, can’t. Tonight I am going to a Gavin Degraw concert with a friend, and knowing I won’t be able to Snapchat it is sad to me, as I never miss a chance to record at concerts. I have no choice but to be nothing but in the moment.

I’m still going strong, I’m proud to say, but let’s see how long I can keep up with this challenge once my week is up.

I have so much more time in the mornings, I am more present with friends, and I have time to read all those books I have been meaning to read.

Who am I kidding? I’ll be re-downloading everything first thing Monday morning.


Imani Taylor


Hi! My name is Imani and I am a 21 year old Mass Communications major living in sunny Florida. I love traveling, listening to music and you, know, occasionally writing.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.