College is a huge adjustment. For the first time in your life you don’t have adults to remind you of obligations you have committed to. It is all up to you to remember when things are due and what commitments you have day to day. Luckily there are tons of ways to manage your busy schedule. One of the most used ways to manage your time is by using a planner.
Most universities provide you with a planner during the first week of school. If not, places like Walmart and Target have a great selection of planners to choose from atan affordable price. You can either get a large or small one depending on your needs. The style doesn’t really matter, its how you use it.
For most courses you receive a syllabus. The context of the syllabus usually includes due date for homework and in class assignments along with the date of exams. Even clubs give out a list of events that you are required to participate in.
Once you have a general idea of the dates you can’t afford to forget then you can start efficiently using your planner. Start off by color coding your life. You should have a color for school assignments, club activities and or work, social events, and important dates.
After you decide what colors you plan on using begin making a key. Then you can proceed to write down the dates you need to remember.
Once you have finished the monthly calendar the day to day is slightly different. The day to day section can be used as a to do list or to explain in detail what assignments you need to do. For this section of the planner you can just use black and white.
While this is an efficient way of time management some may not feel like writing things down on a planner. This is why you have a cellphone.
You can use both the reminder app and calendar app to manage your time and busy schedule. One can choose to either use the same color system for your phone or just put the dates into your phone.
By simply writing down important dates and assignments you have a better chance of remembering them.