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15 Life Hacks to Replace the New Year Resolutions You Forgot to Make

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It’s that wonderful time of year where your Instagram feed was just flooded with a hundred or so “new year, new me” posts, you are forced to drag your ass back to class in the middle of winter, annnd you probably didn’t see the point in making a resolution to change any aspect of your existing mediocre life skills. Change, however, doesn’t need to be as dramatic as a military-inspired fitness routine or a raw-foods diet, and just because you snoozed through the annual New Year’s tradition doesn’t mean it’s too late to make some easy lifestyle switch-ups. Read on for fifteen life hacks that can help you make little changes in your life — extra gym time and vegetable-based meal plans not required. 

  1. Put kale in everything

God bless you, Michelle, but you don’t have to commit to green snack foods to start eating healthier. Stir-fry kale in olive oil before scrambling with eggs and parmesan cheese for breakfast. Similarly, you can stir-fry kale lightly before adding to pasta with tomato or alfredo sauce. It’s like you’re not even eating carbs or cheese anymore!

2. Exercise without ever stepping foot in a gym


 Anytime you have a second floor class, meeting, or appointment, take the stairs. This doesn’t change more than 30 seconds of your routine, shields you from awkward elevator rides with that guy you haven’t talked to since first semester freshman year (nuff said), and doesn’t involve a nasty half hour at the gym.

3. Study without reading/library time/cancelling plans/actually working

I actually haven’t tried this hack yet, but it honestly sounds like a great idea for those of us who just will not commit to reading notes before bed or on a commute (me). Record yourself reading your Bio 1210 notes from Monday’s study group on the way to Wednesday’s lecture with the voice memo feature on your phone. Minimal reading and zero writing involved – all you have to lose is a few moments listening to Ed Sheeran

4. Be 100% more polite for just $1

Buy a pack of thank-you notes at the dollar store. No one is ever going to care that you used cheap stationary, and, honestly, it’s impressive to receive a thank-you note from anyone doesn’t recall holding a pressing fear of whatever Y2K was.

5. Ditch the fast food drive through one and for all

Start buying bake-at-home, frozen-food versions of your favorite fast foods – chicken nuggets, burgers, orange chicken, etc. It will save you dollars, and probably curb your cravings for the WAAAY greasier real thing.

6. Attack spending problems without a budget overhaul

Feeling funny about a certain part of your budget? (for me, it’s always shopping). No need to construct a full-blown budget (that isn’t a bad idea, but this is an easy life hacks post so I’ll shut up about it). Just add up the amount you spent in that gray area where you know you’re spending too much of your paycheck. If you’re surprised by the amount, you can always plan on avoiding the mall like the plague next payday.

7. Stop joining things that are “meh” or “so-so” just because of your resume

Somebody I once worked with who got a full-ride scholarship to law school told me it was a waste of time to something you hated for the sake of your resume, because you would never be able to talk about that something in an interview with genuine enthusiasm. Before signing your name on that email list for the club you only want to join because everyone in your major joined, think about volunteer and extracurricular opportunities you’d genuinely care about. Thank me when you’re not flaking out on Finance Club next semester.

8. Actually use your phone’s note feature

Someone has probably already told you to write sh*t down. Odds are much more likely your phone is close at hand during a run-in with that study buddy who always changes plans last minute, when she runs into you at the dining hall.

9. Learn something new without taking a class 

Everybody is always talking about how they want to learn something new, but I don’t think I’ve ever really committed to learning more about anything without taking a class. Enter podcasts. You can learn about everything from medical history to the Supreme Court without even clicking through your school’s course catalog.  

10. Increase your happiness with just one tap

Your ex. Your ex best friend. Your ex casual in-class crush from two years ago who stopped talking to you after an unfortunate Dorito belch. If they now bring you pain, click ‘Unfollow’ next to their name.

or try two taps for increased self-esteem

Anyone who’s ever looked like a Kayla Itsines “Before” picture (me) or flipped through photos of their ex on a date with someone else (also me) knows that Instagram can really work a number on your self-esteem. If you’re already more stressed about your appearance or your relationship status than usual, try deleting Instagram for a little while.

12. Never clean your shower drain ever again

No one wants to be the designated driver of the metal hanger that ends up unclogging the shower drain. Buy a Tubshroom. It’s less than $15, and it basically keeps the drain unclogged for you.

13. Develop a more magazine-worthy version of your broke-ass-college-student apartment in ten minutes

Do the dishes after you dirty them. It sucks. It’s probably worse than cleaning the toilet, tbh. But nothing makes your space look more unkempt than a pile of dirty dishes, and nothing can make your space look cleaner in ten minutes than an empty kitchen sink.

14. Become more organized without color coding, labeling, or highlighting

Stop pretending to be as cool as you were when you made junior cheer squad in middle school, and answer text messages within a couple minutes of getting them. Same goes for emails. This keeps your inbox less cluttered with unreads, and prevents deadlines from sneaking up on you.

15. Become slightly more relaxed without having to pay for a weekend at the spa

Next time you’re making plans with your girls, ditch the movies and the mall. Instead, opt for hot tubbing or an at-home spa day, middle school style with at-home manis and drug-store facemasks. Your cortisol levels (and your wallet) will thank you muchly.

Just because 2018 wasn’t the year you resolved to become fitter, smarter, and healthier starting January 1st after your hangover wore off doesn’t mean that you can’t make positive changes now. Hopefully the above 15 tips help you exercise a little more, eat a little healthier, and take care of yourself a little better in the new year. Best of luck, collegiettes! 

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


With a double major in Political Science and Economics, Allyson hopes to become either a lawyer or a professor of political science after she finishes her degree at the U. Her hobbies include shopping for clothing she cannot afford and working out without breaking a sweat. She is an avid lover of podcasts, and always appreciates recommendations. 
Editor-in-Chief for the Utah chapter of Her Campus. I'm a political science major at the University of Utah, in my time I love to cook healthy and delicious meals, organize detailed parties, and pet every dog I see.