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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

For my birthday this year, I want to reflect on the growth I have made (specifically, this year alone). 2018 was the most toilsome, heartbreaking time of my life, and for it, I’m truly grateful. I’ve come out on the other side a better human being because of it and I understand myself a little more, day by day. So, while I’m constantly looping ‘22’ by Taylor Swift today (What else do you expect from me?), I have created a list of 11 things I’ve learned and 11 things I hope to learn this year about life, love and most importantly, myself.



1. I’m a fighter with a tight grip

2. Heartbreak changes you and that’s okay

3. You have to let some things go and that doesn’t make you weak because of it

4. Treasure the time you have; be present

5. I don’t have to forgive him

6. Kindness will get you farther than pride will

7. Karma has your back for the long haul

8. Nothing worthwhile comes easy

9. The world is a beautiful place, see as much of it as you can

10. Stand by what you believe in, even if it costs you

11. Love is everything



Here are the 11 things I’m still hoping to learn:

1. Stop looking for forever in things that are temporary

2. How to love all of myself, even on my bad days

3. Understand that not everyone is going to hurt me the way he did  

4. How to ask for help

5. Patience

6. I am the only one who has control over my emotions

7. Not letting my insecurities get in the way of my dreams

8. Taking the time I need to heal isn’t sad or pitiful

9. I will find what I’m looking for

10. Don’t let the bad days ruin the good ones  

11. People care

Although, many of these life lessons won’t come over night or in a year, but they will come. I’m looking forward to all my future mistakes, loves, hardships, victories and sunny days because I know I’ll become the person I want to be from living through this experiences; good and bad. Here’s to the next 22 years!

1, 2, 3, 4 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor