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5 Social Media Challenges To Remind You That Life Isn’t Always Easy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t envy the Instagram and Pinterest accounts of the unknown bloggers? But this “lifestyle” just isn’t the reality. I know that I frame many of my photos around the highlights of my week and sometimes I spend hours into what I have chosen to show off to the world. There is not a photo that didn’t undergo multiple takes or some VSCO magic.

With the end of the semester around the corner many college students are going to be finding themselves in search of an apartment for the summer and Fall semester. For a lot of students, this may be their first move out of their parent’s home or the pre-furnished dorms. I recently moved into my new apartment and let me tell you, it does not resemble my Pinterest inspirational interior design board, at least not yet. With a college budget and a busy schedule I have found my new place filled with unpacked boxes, no Internet, and lots of microwavable food. But if you look at my instagram account you will find photos that show casino night and cocktails to be envied, instead of the actual shambles.

Finals are coming and you can believe the library will be packed and Starbucks will have an influx in customers, sleep schedules will be rocked, parties will slow, and then it will all end. During that time, you’ll see your Facebook feed shift from upcoming events to “How to Survive Finals” and the “Top 10 Tips for Messy Hair” articles because inevitably you will have forgotten to shower. The people you follow on Instagram will slow their posts and embrace the Throwback Thursday, because remembering the good times can be therapeutic during finals stress.

And how many of you have spent a night out that didn’t go quite as planned? Maybe the night ended to early or ended in tears or what about the fashion malfunctions? Why don’t I see those photos, and why don’t I post those photos? The simple answer I have found myself coming back to is that sometimes life is beautiful. We want to remember the good times and the achievements, we want to reflect on the struggles and the failures that it took to get there through amazing accomplishments. Our lives are filled with so many days that are just plain hard and the world sees poverty and violence and sadness. These realities are very real and they need to be addressed and talked about, ignoring the problems don’t make them disappear. It is just as important to be knowledgeable about these problems in our world as well as acknowledging that sometimes life is beautiful.

I encourage you to try this challenge with me during finals week, because we all need a little reminder of the beautiful things!

  • Post a Throwback that really is your favorite memory.
  • Remind a friend on Facebook how much you love them by tagging them in a funny article or picture.
  • Tweet 5 things that made your day.
  • Create a Pinterest board that someday you will achieve IRL.
  • Snapchat laughter, there is nothing better than when your story is filled with funny moments for you to reflect back on.

Let’s take the time to remind ourselves and others, that the world is a great place!

I am a current journalism student at the University of Utah. I have spent my years in college studying, traveling, and writing. I am a campus writer for the University of Utah and have my own blog Beautiful Detour. If I am not on campus I am hopefully off in another country meeting new people...or lying in my bed under a million blankets watching that day's netflix binge.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor