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6 Easy Ways You Can Help the Environment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

NEWSFLASH: the planet is dying. We’re killing it. And I don’t know about you, but I’d like my grandchildren to be able to see real trees, pandas, and oceans. The common saying is, “Leave nature better than you found it.” I had that drilled into my head at every summer camp and in every national park when I was a kid. When did that kind of care end? When did caring for our environment get shoved to the back burner? Well, if we wait much longer to start giving a damn again, there might not be a planet left to save. So here are 6 simple ways you can start helping the environment in your day-to-day life:

1,2,3: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I’m sure this isn’t the first you’re hearing of the 3 R’s, however, they can be pretty ambiguous and don’t often give specific ways to follow them. That’s where I come in! You can reduce the amount of waste you’re putting into landfills by using washable dishes instead of single-use paper and plastic products. The next time you clean out your closet, donate all the clothes you don’t wear anymore instead of just throwing them out. You might not be able to reuse them, but someone else sure could. And recycle: I cannot vouch for this one enough. It is becoming more and more convenient to recycle so there’s really no excuse. Bottles, cans, paper, and so much more can be recycled instead of piling up in a dump. Check out this master list of all the things you can recycle and the impact they have.

4: Eat Less Red Meat

This is a weird one, I know. But studies came out in 2016 showing a link between red meat consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the livestock industry is responsible for a huge chunk of the world’s deforestation. The study demonstrated the huge amount of resources that are required for animal-based products compared to plant-based products. With the huge amount of population growth that is estimated in the next few decades, dietary changes will become very important to the preservation of the atmosphere and the planet’s forests.

5: Snip Six Pack Rings

“A picture is worth a thousand words” so…

6: Bring Your Own Grocery Bags

Chances are, you’ve seen the heartbreaking videos of animals with plastic grocery bags stuck in their noses, throats, etc. More and more stores are coming out with reusable grocery bags for sale and they are fantastic. I always have one in my car in case of an impromptu run to the store and if I’m going grocery shopping, I pack as many as I can. I hate not being able to fit everything into my own bags and being forced to use a plastic one. They are so wasteful and are one of the largest contributors to landfills. Approximately 500 BILLION plastic bags are used yearly in the world and each one of those bags can take up to 1,000 years to degrade. I’m not great at math but I know that ratio is awful. Do your planet a favor and invest in some reusable bags.

Share these tips with everyone you know. It only takes one domino to cause a massive chain reaction. Take some initiative and BE that first domino. Kick off a movement to save the planet. After all, it’s the only one we’ve got.







Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor