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Best Friends Episodes to Get You In The Thanksgiving Spirit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

One of the many things that the cast of Friends does right is Thanksgiving. Whether you want to cook all the food like Monica, eat all the food like Joey, or avoid the entire holiday like Chandler, nothing will put you in the Thanksgiving spirit like watching the gang get together for one of the best holidays of the year. We’ve done the impossible and created and ranked the ultimate guide of the best Friends episodes to get you in the Thanksgiving spirit. 

9. The One Where Underdog Got Away – Season 1 Episode 9

Best food: It should’ve been potatoes- “mashed, with lumps, and in the form of tots.” Unfortunately it ended up being grilled cheese, with dark and light cheese.

Best quote: Phoebe: “Ugly naked guy is taking is turkey out of the oven!”

Rachel: “Eww.”

Phoebe: “Oh my god, he’s not alone. Ugly naked guy is having Thanksgiving dinner with ugly naked gal.”

Joey: “Alright ugly naked guy!”

Monica: “Ohh! Ugly naked dancing!”

8. The One With Rachel’s Other Sister – Season 9 Episode 8

Best food: It doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you don’t cut it on Monica’s china set.

Best quote: Chandler: “If I die, you don’t get Joey!”

7. The One With The Football – Season 3 Episode 9

Best food: The stuffing.

Best quotes: Rachel: “Maybe there’s some kind of league that we can join.”

Phoebe: “Isn’t there a National Football League or something?”

Joey: “Yeah, but they only play on Sunday and Monday nights.”

Rachel: “Oh shoot. I work Monday nights.”

6. The One With The Late Thanksgiving – Season 10 Episode 8

Best food: Everything, this is the ultimate Monica feast. 

Best quotes: Joey: “Hurry! I can’t feel my ears!”

Chandler: “Can you ever feel your ears?”

Joey: “Interesting.”

5. The One With Chandler In A Box – Season 4 Episode 8

Best food: The yams, only because you can exchange them for the potatoes.

Best quote: Chandler: “You can’t tell, but I’m trying to break the tension by mooning you guys!”

4. The One With All The Thanksgivings – Season 5 Episode 8

Best food: The turkey. All 6 of them.

Best quote: Anything Joey and Monica say while there is a turkey on their head.

3. The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs – Season 7

Best food: The stuffing Joey fed Phoebe’s dog.

Best quote: Joey: “First of all, Utah? Dude you can’t just make stuff up.”

2. The One With The Rumor – Season 8

Best food: The 19 pounds of turkey Joey ate.

Best quotes: Chandler: “I’m sorry. When you were in high school you made out with a fifty-year-old woman?”

Ross: “She didn’t look fifty!”

Chandler: “Did she look sixteen?”


1. The One Where Ross Got High – Season 6

Best food: Anything other than the trifle.

Best quote: Joey: What’s not to like? Custard, good! Jam, good! Meat, goooood!

Taylor Swift isn't a major so I guess Human Development and Family Studies will have to do. All I want in life is for T - Swift to know that we are BFF's, a closet full of Kate Spade, and an endless supply of Chick-Fil-A. Until I find a magic genie to grant my three wishes I'll stick with working for a non-profit, doing a ridiclious amount of online shopping, and being obsessed with my sorority. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor