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Cuffing Season: Why Collegiettes Want To Date In The Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Cuffing Season defined by urban dictionary as “during the fall and winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be “cuffed” or tied down by a serious relationship”

If you have found yourself in the past few weeks starting to settle down with someone, and this is an abnormal thing for you, then listen closely because you are entering the dangerous time of cuffing season. When the cold starts to hit and fewer people are interested in going out (slash getting nice and dressed up).

College is the time when you are spending a lot of close and personal time with people who live in your dorms or are in the same class as you. It is sometimes the first time people are entering serious relationships. Whether or not you dated someone in high school, college relationships bring on a whole new set of dilemmas. As you start to enter new relationships, it is important to make sure both of you are entering for the right reason, especially with cuffing season in full swing.

There is no shame in wanting to date someone just for fun, as long as both parties are on the same page. It is when one or both are not clear on what they expect or want from a relationship that things get real. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who firstly make you happy, secondly make you a better person and lastly that you actually enjoy spending time with them. There is nothing worse than entering a relationship for the wrong reasons, especially when your significant other doesn’t tick any of those three boxes.

So as you look for a partner to enter cuffing season, even if it is just temporary make sure that they are someone who is going to enhance your winter. Don’t forget Spring is right around the corner so if it’s not a good fit there is always next year…

I am a current journalism student at the University of Utah. I have spent my years in college studying, traveling, and writing. I am a campus writer for the University of Utah and have my own blog Beautiful Detour. If I am not on campus I am hopefully off in another country meeting new people...or lying in my bed under a million blankets watching that day's netflix binge.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor