A couple weeks ago it was Her Campus Utah’s Birthday, and to celebrate we threw a big party! Leading up to the event, there were serious discussions about prizes and marketing and of course, decorations. My favorite part about any event is decorating even if it is a little tedious and extremely time consuming! For the Her Campus Utah’s birthday we decided to go with decorations that could also double as door prizes!
Check out my easy steps to making birthday cake boxes:
Supplies Needed
- thick pink paper
- pink straws cut in half
- yellow paper
- streamers or crepe paper (also pink)
- scissors
- glue (preferably hot glue)
- lots of friends
STEP 1: Cut the paper into 4X11 strips.
STEP 3: Make a small fold on the long side, then make tiny fringe cuts along that fold.
STEP 4: Pull the two ends together to make a cylinder and glue.
STEP 5: Repeat these steps but when you glue the cylinder make it a little smaller than the previous.
STEP 6: Cut two circles one larger than the other (make sure they can cover the tops of the cylinders)
STEP 7: Glue smaller cylinder onto larger circle (with the fringe side glued down). Repeat with the other cylinder.
STEP 8: Take the streamer and fold lengthwise, then use fringe scissors and cut along the streamer.
STEP 9: Glue the fringe along the perimeter of the cake.
STEP 10: Glue straws onto top of cake box and tuck in yellow paper to act as a flame.
Thanks so much to everyone who came out to celebrate our Birthday!