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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

We’ve all seen the acne product commercials on TV. All those before and after pictures of people with skin much more unfortunate than our own, now suddenly blessed with perfect, glowing, scar-free skin. The truth is, you don’t actually have to spend $50 on advertised products to achieve better, clearer skin. It turns out that many people can fix their skin issues just by adding a few foods into their daily diets.

For overall skin health

The end all be all, most basic thing to incorporate into your diet is water. Water has a ton of benefits like helping to suppress appetite and boosting your metabolism, but it also keeps your cells full and hydrated, and can give you a natural glow. Hydrated cells = firm looking skin.



To protect your skin

Tomatoes! Whether you’re planning on going somewhere warm and sandy this spring break, or hitting the slopes with the best snow on Earth, you need to protect your skin from potentially harmful UV rays. Unprotected skin can show early signs of aging like wrinkles if not properly shielded from the sun. Studies show that eating tomatoes or tomato paste daily helps to improve skin’s natural SPF. Antioxidants found in tomatoes (more so if cooked), help to get rid of wrinkles and make the skin less prone to getting sunburnt. Note: while beneficial, tomatoes are not a replacement for sunscreen!


To hydrate your skin

I know, eating dark chocolate to benefit your skin seems to good to be true. But, believe it or not, dark chocolate, if eaten in moderation (1-3.5 ounces a day), can actually lead to more naturally moisturized skin. The natural cocoa flavanols and plant compounds help increase circulation in the skin, leading to less dry spots and a more even complexion.


To clear blemishes on the skin

The key to reducing acne and blemishes on the skin reduces inflammation of the skin. One food that has been proven very effective in helping to reduce inflammation is flaxseed. The reason flaxseed is so beneficial is because it is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which are the real key to fighting inflammation. These can also be found in foods such as fatty fish and walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids work to seal in moisture and keep dirt out.


Green tea on the other hand helps to heal daily damage done to the skin. Drinking it can help to increase elasticity in the skin and flush out toxins that will cause more breakouts. However, you can also physically put green tea on the skin, whether it be incorporated in a face mask or literally just a moist tea bag on your face, both of which can reduce redness and breakouts already visible on the surface of the skin.


Now that you know what to add to your diet to help improve your skin, also remember that the benefits of these foods can be harder to find if you have an over-abundance of dairy products or sugary foods in your daily routine. With these tips in mind, you’ll have Proactiv- commercial worthy skin in no time, all you have to do now is teach yourself that cliché way to splash your face with water.

Hey! I'm Carmen and I'm a second semester freshman at the University of Utah. I'm originally from Virginia, I absolutely love to travel, and I'm a huge sports fan. I'm also majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Business!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor