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A Few Tips for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.


Collegiettes, you are almost there! This semester has almost ended; some of you have likely finished already. If you’re still battling through finals, here are a few things for you to remember.

You may feel like you need to stay up cramming all night, but you should try to get some much-needed shut eye. If you know your final is early one morning, come in early the night before and brush up on your notes before you go to sleep. Set your alarm so you know you’ll be to school on time, eat a hearty breakfast and go kill it, lady!

Online finals can be the worst, especially when you’re lacking motivation at the end of the semester. Battle the procrastination! Schedule your exam the first day it’s open. That way, you’ll get it over with and force yourself to get studying early.

Finals week does extend through Friday, so don’t start partying yet! Save all your energy and intelligence for your exams. When you’re completely finished for the semester, go out and enjoy yourself! Remember what it’s like to have a life again! But not until your last test ends!

While you’re busy studying, working, possibly moving and preparing for the holidays, don’t forget to have some healthy snacks handy! This week you can be super tempted to pick up fast food and microwave meals to give you some quick energy. However, your body will need a lot of good fuel to keep pushing through all your activities. If you have the time now, stock your fridge and shelves with extra fruit and veggies, and don’t buy any unhealthy snacks! That way, when it’s 3:00 a.m. and you need some sugar, you can have an apple instead of a cookie.

Good luck finishing ladies!

Jetta is a fun and spunky communication student at the University of Utah. She has a lot of energy and an outgoing personality- perfect for her work in service coordination, peer advising, the Department of Communication, Express, and of course HerCampus! Jetta loves social media, writing, and learning new promotion and advertising skills. She does not currently drive a Jetta, but hopefully she can afford one upon completion of her degree!