Everyone knows that a spell can only be broken with true love’s kiss, but where’s the fun in a spell if you don’t know how to cast it? Halloween night is the best time to conjure up a concoction for love or protection, let’s hope it’s under a full moon and before the clock strikes twelve!
To Attract a Lover You Most Desire (courtesy of AngelFire)
Supplies:1 small piece of Amber1 red silk handkerchief
For 7 consecutive days, hold the amber in your left hand in a fist, palm facing down and think of the type of person you want to draw to yourself. Wrap the amber in the handkerchief and keep it with you unopened until the next morning. Do this first thing in the morning. By the 7th day, that perfect person will waltz into your life!
Protection/Banishing Spell
This spell simply turns a person with a negative influence in your life away. It does not cause any harm! You just don’t need the Cloak of Invisibility to become invisible.
Supplies: 1 small mirrorPhoto or drawing of the person1 piece of onyxa “pinch” of mugwort (I looked it up and yes, mugwort is a real thing. Or maybe everyone knows that and I’m the one under a rock?)
Put the mirror flat on the table, sprinkle the mugwort on one spot on the mirror and lay the picture face down so that the face of the person is touching the mugwort.
Say the following chant:
“You cannot see meYou cannot hear meYou do not want meNow let me be”
Place the onyx on top of the still face down photo where the person’s face would be and repeat the words again.
Levitation Charm (courtesy of warlock Jarleth Hobart)
Supplies: 1 magic wand
Say the following chant:
“Wingardium Leviosa”; pronounced “Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa” with the “ ar” nice and long, thank you Hermione.
Key to Happiness
Tricks, treats and this baby. Just kidding, please don’t kidnap babies.