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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Have you ever wanted to keep a journal but find it hard to stay devoted to one or you are just too busy to write in one every day? Maybe you don’t even know what to write about and the idea of journaling is a little overwhelming. Well, I have the solution. The Five Minute Journal is a wonderful way to capture your life’s most important moments, express your gratitude, and reflect on your personal growth. This is a journaling method (and physical journal you can purchase if you feel so inclined) created by Alex Ikonn and UJ Ramdas, two online entrepreneurs. Ikonn and Ramdas dedicated this journal to lifelong doers and creators like themselves because they firmly believe that people who learn and act are changing the world for the better every day. This is a journaling method for busy people (aren’t we all?) who want to take five minutes a day to practice gratitude and reflect. 

The Lalagirl Writing In Notebook
Her Campus Media

The Five Minute Journal has a very simple layout that you can build for yourself in any notebook. There is essentially a morning entry and an evening entry scheduled for every day. The morning entry is composed of three questions/prompts: 

  1. Today I am truly grateful for…
  2. Here’s what would make today great …
  3. Today’s affirmations (things you aspire to do)

This morning entry is wonderful because the prompts subconsciously create an intention in your mind. Your brain swallows these ideas and comes up with a daily goal in mind: how to make today great. This is a wonderful way to start any day and can significantly improve your life. 


The evening entry is composed of two prompts:

  1. Three amazing things that happened today…
  2. What could I have done to make today better?

The fact that you get to reflect on the good and then focus on improvement is an awesome aspect of this journal. However, the point of this last question is not to bring you down or for you to be hard on yourself. This prompt is a tool to help you focus on the areas of your life that could use some improvement whether that means being more present, drinking more water, procrastinating less, or a number of other things. The evening entry sets you up to succeed the very next day!

If you wanted to, you could also add a section at the beginning of each day where you write an inspirational quote or fun fact to ponder as you go about your day. There really are no limitations as to what you can do with this journal to help you become the best version of yourself. 

Woman standing
Nina Ulhikova

We as humans will never be done improving ourselves, and The Five Minute Journal makes it really easy to look back and be proud of the work you have done and the ways you have spent your limited time. It is very convenient and easily incorporated into your daily life since it only takes five minutes a day. Whether it’s on trax, while you are catching up on your new favorite show, or during your morning cup of coffee, you can practice Five Minute Journaling anywhere. Just keep in mind that it takes two weeks to form a solid habit, so repeat the process of writing twice a day and watch this new habit guide you into a happier and healthier state of mind. This journaling technique will teach you to be more positive, to focus on the good, to be happier, and to show more gratitude for the little things in your life. Some studies have found that this alteration in mood and focus can even help your immune system. It’s a win-win! 

If you are someone who wants to practice gratitude every day, wants to start journaling but is short on time, wants to be an overall happier person, and loves personal growth, then The Five Minute Journal is definitely for you, and I recommend that you start this wonderful habit sometime this week! Also, if you are interested in buying the actual journal (which is a beautifully constructed book made with the busy creator in mind) you can buy it here! Happy journaling!

Ry Iverson is a transgender sociology alum of the University of Utah. He grew up in Apple Valley, California and moved to Utah to be closer to family. He enjoys listening to music, reading, cooking, drawing, traveling, and helping others. He enjoys writing about his favorite TV shows, cooking, LGBTQ experiences, and advice, and in his free time he can be found laying on the ground outside taking in the world. Enjoy Ry's articles and everything he has to offer!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor