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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

If you’re like me, then you can’t get enough of displaying the things you love. Your walls are covered with pictures, memories, decorations in your favorite colors, you name it. A vision board is a great way to concisely and portably show off a few of your favorite things. The board I made was a Mother’s Day present for my mom, so I tailored it to things and colors that she loves. However, there really isn’t a wrong way to do it, so be creative!

The first thing you need to do is decide what you want on your board. Pictures, fake flowers, beads or trinkets, and magazine cutouts are always great ideas. But the sky’s the limit. If you can stick it on a board, it’s fair game. Once you have your supplies, then it’s go-time!

For my mom, I got some flowers that I knew would match the decorations in her office, some seashells because she loves the beach, and I printed some pictures of all the special people in her life. Everything shown, including the board, I got at Michael’s, but any craft store will have what you need.

Now’s the time to prepare your decorations. I wanted to put her name across the board so I bought some wooden letters and painted them.

In order to add a personal/emotional touch to the board, I had each of my mom’s closest friends email me a note for her and I wrote them out in my color scheme. They were so sweet and it was my mom’s favorite part of the board. If you’re making a vision board as a gift, I would highly recommend doing something similar.

To start off. I hot-glued the letters across the top of the board and let them dry really well so they wouldn’t get bumped off during the rest of the project. Then I glued some flowers and leaves in the corners.

If you’re wanting to add flowers, you can get a lot of them for cheap by buying a single branch from the floral arranging department. They pop off the branches super easily, and you can usually get some leaves on the same strand.

Once I had my outline, I started tacking the notes and gluing seashells. I opted for a bulletin board with push pins rather than making the whole thing permanent because it allowed my mom the opportunity to move stuff around and add more as she collects things. I included a bunch of extra pins that matched the letters. I also gained a furry helper in the process!

The finished product turned out great and is one of my mom’s favorite presents. Next on the list is to make one for myself! 


Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor