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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The Bennion Center is an on campus organization that aims to encourage students to engage with the community through service and learning. They offer uniqe opportunites for all students no matter what their schedule and time commitment is. From week long trips during Spring and Fall break to knitting hats in your spare time there is a way for you to get involved!Ā 

Kayleen Chen, a senior at the University of Utah, has been working with the Bennion Center throughout her college career and in this video gives a little more insight into just what the Bennion Center has to offer.Ā 

It’s the beginning of the semester and the perfect time to get involved on campus and in your community. Go check out the Bennion CenterĀ collegiettes!

I am a current journalism student at the University of Utah. I have spent my years in college studying, traveling, and writing. I am a campus writer for the University of Utah and have my own blog Beautiful Detour. If I am not on campus I am hopefully off in another country meeting new people...or lying in my bed under a million blankets watching that day's netflix binge.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor