“You are beautiful.” Let it sink in. Ponder it for a second.
Do you really believe it? Can you accept that another person genuinely thinks that you’re beautiful?
There’s a growing problem among millennial women. We are incapable of taking compliments, and even if we do take them – we don’t believe them. Blame it on the growing standards women face every day, blame it on bullies we faced when we were young, blame it on the Kylie Jenner’s of the world we constantly compare ourselves to. Regardless of where the blame lies, it’s time we take back our power. It’s time we realize that we are worth the compliment.
Don’t: Compliment the person who is complimenting you
A random person tells you your hair is rad, and you have no idea what to reply with. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough, so you find something to compliment about her. The problem here is that you’re deflecting their compliment. Unless you genuinly mean what you say, just say thanks. It really is enough to just accept it.
Don’t: The “Thank you, but…”
No. No. No. You are no longer allowed to say ‘but’ after receiving a compliment. I don’t care if you really don’t believe the compliment. Fake it until you make it. Think about what this person is saying. They genuinely believe what they are telling you, and it’s rude to disregard their opinion. Which is exactly what you’re doing. Take the compliment.
Don’t: You don’t believe that the compliment is genuine.
Sometimes the world really is like Mean Girls. We all know that girl who compliments something she hates for no reason at all. We all know the girl who is totally fake but really wants your vote for Homecoming Queen. You obviously don’t want to accept a compliment from her, but just say thank you. She’s a jerk, and you don’t need that energy in your life. Laugh about it later. If this girl thinks she can win you over or undermine you with a compliment, she’s wrong.
DO: Actually believe what the person is saying
Think about it. Why would someone compliment you if they didn’t mean it? I’m not talking about that passive aggressive chick who obviously compliments you out of spite. I’m talking about the stranger on the street who calls out that she likes your hair, or your boyfriend who is clearly into you. They genuinely mean what they say, and the way that you take it influences the effect the compliment has on you.
Perfecting how you take a compliment will not happen overnight. Give it time. Eventually you’ll find yourself really, truly happy when the love of your life tells you he loves your nose. You’ll smile inside when a stranger compliments your shoes, and you’ll appreciate yourself when your boss compliments your work ethic.
Girl, you are worth. It’s about time you start realizing it.