Art plays such a monumental role in our lives as human beings, and far too many of us don’t devote enough time to it because we feel like we don’t have the time or resources. What most of us fail to realize is that art is all around us, and incorporating it into our everyday lives is incredibly beneficial. Art gives us meaning and can help us to better understand our world and our truest selves. It can heal us, connect us to our thoughts and feelings, and drive our creativity. At its most basic level, art causes us to have an appreciation and gratification for what we have in our lives. Art can add so much to life, and I think it is time we give it the devotion it deserves. Here are some ways to add art into your daily life even when you feel like you don’t have the time for it:
Stop and take a photo: Â Nowadays, it is almost too easy to take an incredible picture. The vast majority of us have brilliant cameras in our pockets at all times. If you see something that draws your attention, take out your phone and take a picture. Doing so takes close to no time at all, and the rewards are very substantial. Taking pictures throughout your week will train you to notice the beauty in the world around you. It will force you to look at the world through a more appreciative lens (no pun intended), and as an added bonus, it will make your camera roll much more fascinating.
Add drawings to your notes: For people who really have no time, this is the easiest way to incorporate art into your life. We all have that class where you are forced to take a lot of handwritten notes, so why not add doodles to them? This can liven up your class, your notes, and your mind. Adding drawings to your notes can even be a good study tool and make it easier for you to find information when you are reviewing information (just draw things that pertain to what you are studying). You can draw anything at all. In some of my least favorite classes, I have drawn some of my favorite pieces including a handful of cartoon birds, Chip from Beauty and the Beast, and the occasional artsy eye. Doodling is an easy way to keep you entertained, keep you in a calm state of mind, as well as keep your imagination and brain active while your professor drones on.
Utilize music:Â Odds are you, as a college student, are listening to music all the time! Music is one of the most readily available art forms we have in the 21st century, and we can use it for so much good. Try using the music you listen to on a daily basis to illustrate how you are feeling. This can force you to branch out in your music taste, develop a deeper connection to some of your favorite songs, and bring a very prominent art form to the foreground of your mind as you walk between classes. Music is such a popular art form that most people take it for granted and forget to appreciate the influence it has on us. Use music to express yourself and add some creativity and importance in your life rather than letting it fade into the background. Maybe even try picking up a musical instrument and making your own soundtrack to life.Â
Try creative writing:  I know, after writing all day as a college student, this can be the last thing you want to do with what little free time you have, but in reality, writing is a very useful medium that is full of variety. Trying to write creatively can seem like a pretty daunting thing to do while you are surrounded by the stressors of life, but writing poetry or a personal narrative doesn’t have to be as profound and difficult as our high school classes made it seem. Try taking some basic structures and prompts and incorporating them into your life, and you may just create something you adore. Also, writing in a non-academic way can really improve your voice and writing talent overall. You should give it a try.
Get creative: Whatever you decide to do and however you decide to incorporate art into your life, just create. Creativity is an incredibly useful skill that will feed into every aspect of your life. It can help you with problem-solving, help you see things differently, help you appreciate the world, and may even help you to be the best version of yourself. If you are struggling with creativity, try carrying a notebook designated to art with you wherever you go. This will give you no excuses, and when you run out of pages, you could have something pretty special and genuinely you to document your college years.
We as human beings have a basic need to find creative outlets. Creativity fuels everything we do, and adding art to our lives can help us access this creativity in a wonderful way. People who engage in artistic activities and do something creative every day are better at so many things. Art and creativity reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, and can even help focus the mind which are benefits every one of us needs in our lives. Try adding art to your everyday life. No matter how little time you have, you have no excuse to not be creative and appreciate the beauty of this crazy planet we inhabit. I hope these tactics help improve your life in a major way.