If any of you grew up playing sports, chances are you faced sexism there. It starts at a young age, where you may have been the only girl and were picked last in kickball at recess in elementary school. Then in high school you and your team would be successful, but boys would say to you “yeah you’re good, for a girl.” And what really shocked me is that I still see and hear sexist remarks in sports. I witnessed this most recently in one of my intramural basketball games on campus. I was the only girl playing, stole the ball from a guy on the other team, and scored. One of the players on the other team said to his teammate, “DUDE, you let a girl do that to you?” I was not too pleased with that comment made. What difference does my gender make with the fact that I just scored a basket?
It is 2017, and we are in college. Why is it that sexism in sports is still prevalent? Why do men HAVE to associate our athletic ability with our gender? Yes, I am aware that I am a woman. But, are you aware that I am a woman, and I am capable of beating you in a sport? SHOCKING, I KNOW.
If you are like me, and play on any sort of co-ed sports teams, at some point in time you may encounter sexist remarks on the field or the court. You can overcome it, and play through the remarks that may get under your skin. You can take the remarks as compliments. “You play like a girl, you’re pretty good for a girl.” WELL, THANKS. I am a girl, and I’m so glad you think I’m good! Personally, this is my favorite approach. You can also take the comments and turn them into fuel to your personal fire, and just beat the jerk that said them. Prove to him that playing like a girl isn’t a bad thing. Winning is the sweetest form of revenge.
If any of you are involved in a sport where you may face sexism, please don’t let it shut you down. If anything, let it empower you. Keep throwing, shooting, dribbling, kicking, hitting, and running, like a girl. Because you ARE a girl, and can keep playing sports like one for the rest of your life. Keep it up; don’t stop playing how you play because of what others may say. Keep Playing Like A Girl. Don’t let this phrase be an insult, let it be an inspiration.