February is here, winter is coming to a close, and spring is in sight. But this is Utah and the weather is fickle, so February can be the worst month of winter, especially when the inversion sets in. On those dreary, cold days, the winter blues come out to play. A good way to combat those winter blues is to practice self care. When most people think of self care they think of the “pretty” aspect of self care: lighting some scented candles, taking a long bath, and drinking some herbal tea. Well that is not the only way to practice self care.
There are three main categories for self care. The first is the physical aspect of self care. These are physical things that you can do to practice self care. They can range from going for a walk, and getting exercise, to taking a warm bath or shower. This category also includes cleaning up your living space, taking a nap, and playing with a dog or cat. As long as it makes you physically do something, it falls in this category.
The second category is the mental aspect of self care. These are activities that make you focus on something other than the world around you. They can range from reading a book to just turning off your phone and decompressing from social media. This category also includes the more creative side of self care, like coloring, learning a new skill, or journaling. This could even be just planning out your week or taking the time to do a wordsearch or sudoku puzzle. If it is making you focus all your attention on that one activity, it falls into this category.
The third category is the emotional side of self care. These activities will help you feel emotionally whole again, after a draining day. They include meditating, practicing yoga, and spending time with friends and family. It also can be journaling, slowing your breathing, or watching your favorite tv show or movie. These activities can make you happy or sad, but in the end you always feel better emotionally.
If you get hit with the winter blues or are feeling down from school and work, these ideas can hopefully keep you feeling like a million bucks.