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Simplify Your Life This Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

With spring on the horizon, it might be time to simplify your life. The change of seasons has always been a great time to make some necessary changes to ensure you remain happy and healthy. Here are some ways for you to make your life happier and simpler:


Set aside a few hours one day to deep clean your wardrobe. Try on every article of clothing you own and really look at yourself in it. Decide if it fits right and if you like the way you look.  If so, keep it! If not, put it in a bag to donate or sell. (I choose to go to Uptown Cheapskate. They either buy your clothing and the things they cannot sell they donate).

Social Media

Go through Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, whatever and delete people that you do not know or do not care about.


Chances are you’ve acquired a box or folder filled with old syllabuses or assignments over the course of your college career. Go through all of the old papers and decide if you want to keep them or not. If you do compile them all into a binder or scan them in at the library to create a digital copy. If not, be sure to recycle!


Makeup has a shelf life that I’m sure the majority of us ignore (I know I do). Go through all of your beauty supplies and decide if that mascara from high school is still safe to put on your eyelashes. Cleaning out your beauty supplies can also help you realize which products you use and which ones you don’t. You can give away the makeup that you don’t use to friends who might get more use out of it.


Whether you use a digital calendar or a hard copy, meticulously planning your day to day life is extremely helpful when it comes to simplifying it. If you are not aware of how busy your schedule actually is then you can double book yourself, which will result in you becoming stressed out. Writing in a planner also helps you understand how much time each week you spend participating in school, work, and activities. It can help you to see everything laid out and know if you should or should not take on that extra club or job.


This one is a little harsh but seriously necessary. There is nothing worse than having toxic people take up time in your life. If you have “friends” who constantly take more from you than what you are willing to give them, they are adding to the craziness of your life. By slowly removing people from your life who bring nothing but stress and drama you are going to find you are happy more often and have a lot more free time to spend with people who actually care about and love you.

Implementing just a few of these tips well help get your spring off to a simplified and much more organized start! 

I have a deep love for mermaids, pitbulls, swearing, and all things involving food.  Shania Twain is my spirit animal and I'm a converted Belieber.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor