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Top 3 Cliché Resolutions and How to Fix Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

New’s Years resolutions begin with all the best intentions, but more often than not we end up falling short of our goals. Read on to find out how you can customize the most common resolutions to have your most successful year yet.   


The classic New Year’s resolution is to workout more. The problem is that this is too broad. Try picking a specific class offered on campus, like at the new Student Life Center, and you’ll be less likely to blow it off!

Go on a diet.

Coming off the holiday sugar binge, it’s easy to think you can and have to swear off sweets for good. Go easy on swearing out foods altogether. Switch out soda for water or tea and no sweets after eight.

Keep a journal.  

While writing more is a good goal indeed, with your busy schedule it can become unrealistic. Instead write down one thing you are grateful for each day. It’s an easy way to make your life more positive by remembering only the good things.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor