The Showtime comedy is currently on its seventh season and gains more traction and attention after each episode. The compelling comedy centers on the highly problematic Gallagher family residing on the South-side of Chicago. Shameless will send you on an emotional rollercoaster every episode, and you’ll love every second of it. The perfect mix of heartbreak and drama, the show has proved to never be boring, and always leave you wanting more. Rooted in poverty, addiction, sex, and deep family love, Shameless isn’t afraid to tackle the issues that matter, the issues that are often overlooked or deemed taboo by modern television. Nothing’s off limits.
Here are five reasons to start watching today:
- The Characters
For starters, Fiona is a badass; strong, fiercely independent, and hard-working; the girl’s got it all… except stability. Fiona is the poster child for female empowerment, as she was forced to provide for her family since the age of sixteen and does so with a lot of love but often with a lack of grace. Middle brother Ian struggles with his sexuality and bipolar disorder throughout the series, and you won’t be able to shake a love-hate relationship with Frank, the train-wreck of a father you can’t help watching. You’ll not only root for older brother Lip episode after episode, but start to fall for him too.
2. The Acting Behind the Characters
Not only are the characters amazing, but the actors behind them as well. The cast is an assemble of award winners that know how to pull your heart strings and laugh like no other. Every actor, young or old, brings something interesting to the table. Also, you can’t help but respect actress Emmy Rossum, who demanded equal pay in reference to her male costar…and won. Talk about girl power.
3. The Romantic relationships:
Though the show centers around the importance of family love, there is a never-ending string of heart-warming and sometimes heart-wrenching relationships. From Ian and Mickey to Kevin and Vee, these couples will make you laugh, cry, and everything else in between.
4. Mental Illness Awareness
Shameless constantly brings much-needed awareness to mental illness throughout the series. This is seen primarily through character Ian, as well as his mother, Monica, who both struggle with bipolar disorder. The show shines an important light on mental illness to audiences who may be suffering themselves, or maybe just a little help understanding.
5. The Comedy
Pinned as a “dramedy”, the show proves to be laugh-out-loud funny without ever becoming worn out. Shameless is funny enough for you to keep you watching and optimistic even after heartbreak after heartbreak. The comedy and storytelling abilities of the show’s writers are seamless, creating a true TV masterpiece.
…and the best part, IT’S ON NETFLIX! And is there really any better excuse to start binge-marathon than that?