Growing up, a bratty attitude often was met with being told, “The world doesn’t revolve around you.” In fact, you’ve probably heard it more than a few times. But guess what? Your would does revolve around you. It’s the only perspective of this world you’ll ever see, the only life you’ll live. Your experiences, perceptions, opinions, and decisions are all part of you. Get comfortable with the idea that it’s okay to make yourself a priority, and sometimes you need to put yourself first. It’s your life. Your choices.
You can’t control the world around you or what happens to you, but you can control the way you react. The only thing you’ll ever be in full control of is yourself. To be successful, but most of all happy, you have to unconditionally love, respect, and accept yourself exactly as you are- bottom line. And once you do this, you can fully love and admire others the same way too; spreading positivity within yourself enables you to radiate it towards others.
We grow up being taught putting yourself first and being full of self-love equaled being a narcissist and egotistical; there’s a fine line between being self-centered and knowing your worth. You’re not better than anyone else, and nobody else is better than you. Know your own worth, power, strength, and your struggles, but never forget about the people around you in the long run.
Being comfortable in your own skin is more than liking what you see looking back at you in the mirror. Take the time to get to know yourself, to fall in love with yourself. Love yourself enough to know what you want, what you deserve. No one knows you like you know yourself- you know what works for you, what you’re best at, what truly makes you unique.
Living your life in fear of judgment or constantly trying to please others is a trap. Recognize what you’re capable of. Stand your ground. Don’t let other people chose your life path, take control of your dreams and ambitions, and don’t put your goals or happiness on hold for someone else. Know when it’s appropriate to put yourself first, learn how to make yourself a priority. Only you have the power to make your dreams come true and to reach your goals, recognize your individual importance.
The only world you’re ever going to have is your own, there is no shame in making yourself a priority in it.