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Saying Goodbye To Ingenuity: The Little Helicopter That Could

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

The Ingenuity, a NASA helicopter affectionately nicknamed Ginny, was only ever supposed to
perform up to five experimental test flights over 30 days as a part of the Mars 2020 mission.
However, it ended up operating from the Martian surface for 3 years (2021-2024), with 72 flights
and a record of flying 14 times farther than planned while logging more than two hours of total
flight time. Unfortunately, its 72nd flight turned out to be the last mission it would ever venture
out on after it sustained critical rotor damage. In honor of its incredible journey, the hashtag #ThanksIngenuity was shared online to spread love and offer a heartwarming farewell to the little helicopter that could.

Let’s start off with this beautiful ode to Ingenuity, written by Nicolas Randazzo, a postdoctoral
scientist from University of Alberta. The genuine tribute celebrates Ginny’s legacy of breaking
limitations and reaching for the sky, instead of mourning its ending. This little post on Instagram
by cbanimation shares a similar tone on wishing the helicopter a much-needed rest with a fun
illustration on the side. Another Instagram user, xoplanets_comics, joined in with a stunning art
of their own to add to the train of goodbyes being directed towards the beloved helicopter.
Jonrothbooks, a children’s book author/illustrator, chimed in with his own version of a goodbye
with a post talking about writing a picture book featuring the sturdy explorer. During its mission
it even inspired the band All the Robots to make a song in its honor.

The creative influx of art and poetry is a testament to the impact Ingenuity made on so many
people with its triumphs and perseverance. NASA memorialized the outpour of love and
admiration on a page dedicated to Ingenuity, showcasing all the memes, postcards and GIFs
shared on social media with the hashtag #ThanksIngenuity. The inspirational story of Ingenuity
left a footprint not just in its accomplishments in outer space but also in people’s desire to
celebrate the underdog that broke expectations and went out fighting. It’s heartwarming to
experience everyone coming together to commemorate the retirement of this little helicopter that
has helped achieve extraordinary advancements throughout its journey.

I am currently a MS in Marketing student at University of Texas at Dallas. I have always been passionate about writing. So, I jumped on any opportunity to write on a public platform, like weekly article submissions to a local newspaper, leading the annual school magazine publication team and crafting original business cases for business competitions hosted by my university. Throughout my professional life, I have worked across different industries in primarily marketing-driven roles. And that has facilitated my plan to focus on digital marketing and marketing analytics as two potential career paths in my current program.