You never really know how big of an impact your grandparents have on you until they’re gone. As you get older, they get older, and their years are slowly counting down. Cherish every second you have with them and realize that you are the center of their world. They have played a huge part in shaping you for who you are today.
It is quite easy to take your grandparents for granted, it might slip over your head when you’re busy with work and school. So here is a reminder to cherish your grandparents, take them out to eat, just pop in for a nice visit. I am sure they would love even a second to see you and have a quick hug.
Ask them questions about their past and how they were when they were your age. There will come a day where they’re gone and you’re stuck wondering all of these questions. Remember they have experienced so much more to life than you did. Their stories could really leave a mark on you.
Cherish the food that they make you, the stories they tell, all the hugs and kisses, all the gifts. They’ve watched you grow and they’re nothing but proud of you.
I work in a restaurant and all I see are kids on their phones when they are out to eat with their grandparents. Most grandparents still have flip phones, so the last thing they care about is what message is popping up or game is trending. As much as I would love to say something to them, it isn’t my place. If you or your family members do this, please put your phone down and give them your undivided attention because that’s all they really want from you.
I wish I had more time with my grandpa and knew more about my grandma whom I was named after. So if yours are still with you today, hold them a little tighter.