Living or going to college in Utica, NY, it is not uncommon to see individuals who are homeless throughout the year. These individuals asking for help, or asking for change (panhandling) has become such an issue for the City of Utica, that signs have been put up to discourage residents from giving away their spare change. These signs encourage people to instead give their money to charities in need, not to those asking for it. It has become known, of course, that some ask for money, and hold signs when they truly aren’t homeless. The question becomes, what about those who truly do want and need the help they are asking for and truly have nowhere to live?Â
This brings me to discuss an organization we have right here in Utica, NY called the “Hope House”. Those who are struggling to meet their needs, both physically and mentally, are starving, and may be homeless can go here to get help. They can also find the help they need to get a start on a path that leads to a healthy and positive life. Not only does the Hope House feed those in need hot meals, they go one step further by giving out toiletry bags. These bags usually contain items like soap, deodorant, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Not only does this increase their cleanliness, but it boosts their feeling of self worth. The feeling of worthiness and confidence increases one’s self motivation, happiness, and overall health.
Furthermore, when individuals who are struggling to meet their basic needs of food, water, and shelter, the Hope House takes care of it for them, that way they are then able to work on themselves. The Hope House can be the platform they need to make changes both mentally and physically to give them that boost towards living their life to its fullest.Â