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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

Learning how to love yourself is a process. It’s important to know that self-love and acceptance isn’t something that can just be found naturally, but it has to be created. 

Loving yourself is, in my opinion, one of the best things you can do for yourself. By loving yourself, you’re able to release any doubt, fear, and negativity that holds you back from your potential. It stops you from your true happiness.

While there is no one set solution to overcoming your insecurities and learning to love yourself, here are three ways I learned have worked for me (and hopefully, you!)


Accept you aren’t perfect

Get past the idea that you need to be perfect. It’s impossible! Instead, conclude that, yes, you have imperfections. That doesn’t take away from who you are and what you have to offer the world. Unfortunately, you’re never going to be perfect. So stop worrying about your imperfections and rather embrace them!


The term self-care gets thrown around a lot, but it isn’t without good reason. Treating yourself every now and then, doing something that makes you feel good about yourself, anything that will boost your self-confidence and mood is necessary. Your body needs to be loved and cared for.

Check your mental health 

Your mental health directly affects how you see yourself and how others see you. Make sure you’re doing well emotionally and mentally. While your mental health suffers, your perception of yourself is bound to be destroyed. Check in with yourself every now and then, see how you’re doing, and reach out to the right people who can help!