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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

The majority of people I know, and even just see on a daily basis all seem to have one thing in common, which is they are drinking coffee. That being said, imagine a world where coffee was not a thing. Would college students constantly be falling asleep in class left and right? Would being a “basic bitch” still exist?

It seems that in the minds of many individuals today, coffee has gone from a want to a need for thriving in society. From getting that extra boost of energy to complete a paper for college, to depending on this brown, watery drink to wake us up after getting three hours of sleep. Coffee seems to be the savior for many of life’s problems. Also, with coffee, the well known term of being a so called, “basic bitch” has risen. This term has found its relation to coffee, most likely due to it seeming like all girls, and even guys for that matter, (because I have honestly seen numerous guys who are more basic, and even more bitchy than I ever am) constantly have a coffee in their hand. It is evident that individuals of today’s society are obsessed with coffee. So, imagine if coffee did not exist. Would “America Runs on Dunkin,”(Dunkin Donuts), change to “America Runs on Tea” ? Would we have more energy because relying on coffee would not be possible? Caffeine crashes and addiction caused by coffee would not be a thing, so I would think that people would actually be better off physically and mentally. They would not be depending on this substance anymore. Instead, people would be waking up naturally instead of relying on coffee to do so for them.

Overall, coffee is amazing, delicious, and helpful in many ways, but just imagine what people would do if coffee did not exist. Everything is good in moderation, except hardcore drugs that is, but constantly depending on coffee to do things such as waking up, or preventing oneself from falling asleep in class is definitely not healthy for both one’s mind and body.  

•Not quite sure what I want to do when I “grow up” yet, but I’m enjoying the road to that destination. I know I want to help others in whatever career I choose. Whether that be in the psychology field, nutrition or fitness field , I know what I’m passionate about just on a quest to find what fits that mold for me. •My voice being heard and hearing the voices of others is something very important to me. •Being outdoors and enjoying all seasons is my go to.
Meet Bianca, I am currently a Junior at Utica College in Utica, NY.  I am a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Homeland Security.  Crime investigation has always been something that interests me.  I’m dedicated and passionate and it’s hard for me to quit things. I get that from my father so don’t hold it against me- he was a veteran and police officer for 20 years.   Growing up in a family centered around law enforcement has helped guide me in this direction, and I will forever be grateful.  After graduation I intend to continue on to law school where I can further my education in hopes of becoming a criminal defense lawyer and later on a District Attorney.  An interesting fact about myself is that I found the passion to be a criminal defense lawyer from watching the O.J. Simpson case.  The facts and conspiracy theories evoked a whole new passion behind criminal investigation that I intend to use in my future.  One of my most prominent moments in my writing career was when I wrote for an online magazine and had my most prevalent article hit 1.6k shares.  I believe in treating people with the same kind of respect and manners you would expect in return, and in a way it has helped shaped my expectations in life.   When you first meet me I won’t be the loudest in the room or the center of attention, but I will be intently listening to everything you say, for what you have to say may have a purpose. I believe in purpose. I believe that everyone is here to help you grow into who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.