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The Best Christmas Gifts for College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

With Christmas comes one of the most difficult tasks there is: thinking of the perfect present to get someone you care about. For college students, necessities that will come in handy throughout the whole semester are a great idea. Whether you’re searching for the perfect thing to get a friend, or making a list of presents you would like to get from your family, these gifts can be used by practically anyone and definitely won’t go to waste.


Gift Cards

As corny and impersonal as they may seem, gift cards are actually a great present. I mean, it’s basically free money to spend on anything you want. If someone you know has a favorite store or restaurant, getting a gift card from there can actually be a thoughtful present. If you don’t know a specific place to get a card from, a Walmart card is always a safe bet since it has basically anything you could ever need there. Another safe bet is a Visa gift card, which can be used almost anywhere. It comes in especially handy for the friends that do most of their shopping online. If gift cards aren’t your thing, there’s nothing wrong with just giving straight cash!


Food and Kitchen Items

You’ll find it very hard to meet a college student who would turn down free food. A care package filled with your friend’s favorite snacks is a great gift that can be done for pretty cheap if you’re on a budget. Fill a basket with candy, chips, drinks and anything else they might like. If you’re willing to spend a little more, larger kitchen items like pots and pans or even a slow cooker can be really helpful for college students since a lot of us don’t have our own sets. It might make someone feel a little less homesick if they have the right kitchen items to attempt a home-cooked meal.


School Supplies

I don’t know about you, but I have an unhealthy obsession with school supplies. I am constantly buying fancy pens, notebooks, desk organizers and anything else that makes me feel like I have my life at least somewhat together. What’s great about school supplies is that it’s actually extremely useful. Not only will your friend have the cutest desk of anyone you know, but it will probably help them do well in their classes, too, which is always a plus.



A great, underrated present that isn’t overdone is gifting a subscription to someone. Subscription boxes like Birchbox or Ipsy send you a box filled with high-end makeup samples every month. For friends that love music, Apple Music and Spotify Premium both have options to gift someone several months worth of music streaming. A Netflix subscription is another great way to go. I also firmly believe that Amazon Prime is one of the best inventions of our time, and a yearly membership is only $49 for students. Chances are, the person you are buying for is already using some type of subscription service, so you might as well give it to them for free.


When searching for presents, the possibilities really are endless. If these suggestions aren’t your style, or if they might be too pricey, DIY is never a bad idea. As long as you put thought and a little effort in a present, the person receiving it will be sure to love it. Good luck, and Merry Christmas!


Photo courtesy of Pexels.


I am a junior Criminal Justice, Forensic Science major and Sociology minor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. I'm from Nashville, but I love going to school in Martin and I am so happy to call this small town my home away from home! Find me on Instagram @chloewagner130