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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

Senior year is the craziest year of high school. There’s so much to do, and your high school career is wrapping up. This is your last year, so make the most of it! Some people will miss their high school days while others will not. Whatever group you fall into doesn’t matter. Either way, these tips are for you. These are the things I wish someone would have told me.


Enjoy your last couple of months of school.

These last weeks fly by. One minute you’re sitting in a classroom, like you’ve done hundreds of days before. The next minute, you’re sitting in your cap and gown at graduation surrounded by the people you’ve spent 13 years with. These weeks will be some of the quickest weeks in your life, so enjoy them while they last. Life will change quite a bit after high school; enjoy it while you can. This can be a really fun time for most, but it all depends on your outlook. If you start each day with a negative and worried perspective, you’re probably not going to have a great ending to high school. Be positive, and don’t take these moments for granted.


Think about your future and begin preparing for it.

You’ve got a lot of big life decisions ahead of you. Think about what you want to do and what all you need to do to get there. There’s many possible paths you can take after high school. Look at your options and choose the one that is best for you. Two common paths are college and entering the workforce, but there are several other options, too. If you’re planning to go to college, look for orientation dates, make payments, finalize financial aid and keep up with important dates. If you’re planning to go into the workforce, begin searching for jobs you would like, assemble a professional resume, prepare yourself for interviews and start applying for jobs. Don’t wait until the last minute to try to get everything together. You’ll likely forget something important, or you won’t have it the way you would like for it to be.


Take everything in.

I’ve already said the time goes by really fast. You’ll miss all of these moments in the rush of everything if you don’t stop to take it in. Take pictures when you can, you’ll want them when you’re missing home. Most importantly, be present. Be present in the sense that your mind isn’t elsewhere, but also be physically present. Go to all the events that you can squeeze in one last time. Go to prom. Go to the extra game. Participate in the silly dress up days. Go to class. Go to graduation! You’ve worked towards this day and this diploma for 13 years. You deserve the recognition that you’re going to receive on this day. Spend time with your friends. Don’t constantly be wishing your time away, instead, embrace your time left.


Romans 5:8  I attend the University of Tennessee at Martin as a Psychology major. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, reading books, and taking naps. 
I am a pre-vet major who loves to laugh (especially at myself), drink coffee, and spend time with my dog, Cora. I moved from Massachusetts to Tennessee to attend college at UTM and compete for their division 1 rifle team.