Whether it was something to do when you were bored with friends or a real attempt at finding love, chances are you’ve made a Tinder account at some point. Anyone who has made the online dating leap knows that your bio is what can make or break your profile. That’s why it’s time for these cringey, overused bios to go.
1. Nothing.
What’s the point of having a bio if you don’t put anything in it? Aside from pictures, your bio is your only chance to really show your personality. If you leave it blank, potential matches have no way of knowing anything about you, which usually results in a left swipe. It also just makes you look a little boring.
2. The five-star rating.
Possibly one of the corniest bios to ever exist. It usually involves a list of five-star ratings with “reviews” underneath it, ranging from outrageous compliments from past girlfriends or sweet statements from their mom. It was funny the first couple of times, but now it’s turned into one of the most unoriginal bios out there.
3. “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.”
Every guy seems to use this line thinking they’re the first one to use a song lyric to state they’re just looking for a hookup from the app. Now, I’m not judging people using Tinder for something other than finding the love of their life, but maybe try and find a more original way to say it.
4.  “I hate Tinder.”
Do you really? Nobody is forcing you to make a Tinder, and acting like you’re too cool for it doesn’t make you better than anyone else. I get that you don’t want to seem desperate, but it just comes across as kind of self-entitled. If you really “hate” Tinder that much, you can always delete your account. Â
5. The height.
One guarantee in life is that if a guy is at least six feet tall, he’s gonna put it in his bio. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is if it’s the only thing you bother to put in your bio. If the only thing you have to offer is being tall, it’s probably not going to make me want to swipe right.
Photo source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/iphone-technology-iphone-6-plus-apple-17663/