Traveling is something we all talk about, but most of us grow up and move on without actually doing it. Traveling is an experience that opens the eyes of the participants and allows them to become more open-minded about certain situations. Now, why should you do it while you’re young? Growing up causes us to lose sight of ourselves and become more focused on career goals and families. Traveling young also allows you to grow in a more spiritual way. Last, but not least, do it before you have all the adult responsibilities. Progressing in age also means progressing in responsibility, whether we like it or not.
All your travel needs to be planned while you’re young and don’t have a family involved, or a serious career to worry about. Traveling is an extensive process, because who wants to go somewhere and only stay a couple days? No one! Personally, I travel to escape from my home place. I want to relax, do things I’ve never done before and come home with experiences to talk about. Gaining these experiences makes you grow in your own spiritual manner. Cruising across a terrain you’ve never seen before lets your mind be free to all opportunities without the worry of paying all the bills.
I used this summer to go out to a few places outside of Tennessee. I got to travel to Gulf Shores, Alabama, a place I had never gotten to see before. I used this trip to go out and explore. I chased sea crabs down the shore at midnight and woke up early in the morning to walk down the beach and watch the waves. I also got a piercing while I was there, because, why not? I am young, and life is full of opportunities.
I also traveled to Dallas, Texas for the first time. I flew there, which was also a first for me. This trip allowed me to grow in professional development and social skills, because it was sorority related. I spoke with sisters across the U.S. about the endless possibilities within Sigma Alpha. I also got to experience a little night life and traditions of Texas.
All in all, jump on any travel opportunities you have while you can, because one day it won’t just be about you. Responsibly of others will become a part of you very soon, so don’t take the spontaneous trips for granted.