Kiara Rinnggenberg is known as “Health Crave girl” and former UTSA student and now studying Health and Nutrition at the University of Texas at Austin. At just the age of 14 she turned her life around for good and is an inspiration to many; her moto is “you only have one life”. Her inspirational words and outlook on life has made such an impact on me and hopefully you as well.
At just the age 14 Kiara weighed 183 pounds when her doctor warned her she was merely 7 pounds away from obesity. She imagined her life at 20 years old and didn’t like the future she was foreshadowing and this was a turning point in her life and soon became determined to start losing weight. Her goal became to lose 50 pounds. At first, like many of individuals out there, she did not know where to begin her weight loss journey and started by only portioning the food she ate and at home work outs from youtube. Both her parents were not quite ready to get her a gym membership until they realized this was something she was taking very seriously. After losing her first 10 pounds her parents agreed to getting her a gym membership and she claimed she “ was hooked instantly, [she] felt so much happier, more energy, and [she] was sleeping better”. Soon enough she began incorporating portion sizing, working out and eating healthier food and she came to realize that this was not only a diet however it was a lifestyle change and that she not only needed to physically change but also mentally change. Only a year later at the age of 15 Kiara successfully lost the 50 pounds and was down to 130 pounds!
She reevaluated herself compared to her 14 year old self and realized how much happier she was and stated that “[she] felt like I could do anything, [she] could enjoy life again”. Kiara did not stop there, she went on to become passionate about healthy food and soon enough grew interested in not only looking good but also most importantly being healthy. Kiara ultimately hopes to inspire others and for this reason has started her own company health crave girl. Her company started here! In UTSA, she began by posting her business cards around Chaparral student village and made $70 her first week selling tasty affordable healthy snacks to students.
Note: Kiara is on the left
Now that she has transferred to UT in Austin, her business has exploded with a boom and she is now providing a healthy food prep service to students around the UT Austin Area. Many love her healthy food options and she has even developed regular customers who love to eat her healthy food every day and are inspired to live a healthier life style as well. Kiara’s weight loss transformed her into the best person she could be and now she aims to be able to do the same with others.