There are three special ladies that lead our pom squad at UTSA and are descibred as some of the best dancers you’ll ever get the privilege to watch and meet and it just so happens UTSA has them as their dance team captains! Brittany, Alyssa, and Morgan are the captains of the Pom Squad. They’re my captains on the team, and getting to know them, I’ve discovered that not only are they funny and beautiful dancers, but they’re caring and great leaders. First up we get to meet Alyssa!
Name: Alyssa Quintana
Majors and Class Year: Â Communication, 2017
Hometown:Â San Antonio, TX
      “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13”
Campus Activities: Pom Squad, The National Society for Leadership and Success, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
8 AM classes or 3 finals in one day? Â 3 finals in one day.
Fun fact about you?  I’ve broken 6 bones
3 ways someone can win over your heart: effort, cute date ideas, and honesty.
If money didn’t matter, what would be your dream career? a professional traveler, is that a thing?
Celeb crush: Rihanna
What celebrity would play you in a movie of your life? JLo
If you’re going to cheat your meal plan, what do you cheat it with?  Whataburger, Monterrey melt
If you had an all expenses paid trip to anywhere, where would it be? Â Capri, ItalyÂ
Favorite place to eat? Sapporos
Why UTSA? Because I love San Antonio so much, I just couldn’t leave
Why did you decide to try out for Pom Squad? I wanted to continue dancing in college and since I was coming to UTSA, I thought it would be a great opportunity
How was it auditioning to be a captain? Definitely nerve wrecking my first time, but I was so excited and I was hoping I would get the position.
What has been your best experience with Pom Squad? Making best friends I like to call my sisters
What legacy do you want to leave in Pom? I hope that I have made an impact on the program and I hope they continue to do a hip-hop dance every year at a basketball game!
What advice would you have for any girls trying out for Pom? For the girls trying out for Pom captains? Be yourself and smile! Judges love confidence and they love to see you having fun! For the girls trying out for captain, remember why you want to be a leader on this team, stay passionate about leading others, and always keep the team motivated to do their best.
Advice to incoming freshman: Have fun and when times get tough, lean on your friends! This is the time in your life that you’ll always want to remember so make it the best. And in the words of the Pommie, Lindsey Mings, “kill it!”