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Dealing With Insecurities & Criticism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.



Everyone has a share of their own insecurities but not everyone is openly ready to flaunt their flaws and be confident about them. That’s completely normal.

Today, society expects teenagers to live up to certain expectations regardless of their personal insecurities. Girls are more pressured into looking and dressing certain ways which make them insecure about themselves. For example, Kim Kardashian posts a selfie with perfect skin and gorgeous hair which causes girls to aspire to match up to her unattainable standards. In reality, the amount of professional makeup and lighting that is used isn’t available for the general public.

As a junior in high school, one of my best friends called me “ugly” and specifically referred to my acne scars. I used to wear makeup every day until I realized that I needed to prove her wrong. That was a difficult time for me because I was criticized for my biggest insecurity. I’d say that was the turning point in my life, so I promised myself that, as a senior, I would be makeup free most of the time. It was definitely hard to pull myself up and be bare faced with acne scars, but there was a sense of freedom and confidence I achieved once I freed myself.

A drastic change for the good doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a process. Every girl deserves time and acceptance to truly open up and be confident in their own skin. Not everyone can relate to the saying love yourself because society and technology makes everything look perfect.

I want every girl out there to realize that there’s no better feeling than accepting and flaunting your flaws. That is the most attractive quality about a woman. Always remember that you are your greatest motivator and there’s nobody who can bring you down. Lastly, insecurities and criticism will keep coming your way, but it’s about how those experiences toughen you up and drastically change your self-esteem.

Finally, always remember that you are beautiful.