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How to Better Your Life by Writing Things Down

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

If you haven’t found the key to life yet, when you do, write it down. I’m not even kidding, I’m the biggest advocate for all things digital. I love my Apple calendar, my online notes and shared documents, but nothing beats writing something down.  

I don’t know if our brains process it differently, or if we just prioritize it, but it works. Just like people say “speak it into existence,” do the same for everything else, except try writing it down. If you’re not the pen and paper type, I’ll give you some ideas as to where to start.  

Goals and Aspirations

You have things you want do and places you want to see. Whether it’s long term or short term, write it down. It improves your chances of completing it. Some people have vision boards, others have white boards with quotes or lists (I cut and paste pictures for mine because I’m a child). Write about your dream house, or your dream car, or something you really wanna do in life. You can also use a journal if you’re a bit more reserved.

Dreams. Literally.

Fun Fact: Studies show that if you begin to write your dreams down, you improve your ability to remember them. You can begin to notice patterns in your subconscious thoughts, or reflect on what affects you during the day.

We can remember our dreams up until about 3-5 minutes after we wake up. Writing them down forces your brain to become active and start the day. (It helps those trying to make getting out of bed easier)

Bullet Journals

I know you’ve heard of these. They’re so aesthetically pleasing, just looking at them makes you feel like you have life figured out (even though no one does tbh). If you haven’t heard of them, go Pinterest the words “bullet journals” ASAP. Of course, yours doesn’t have to be as perfect if you’re not artistically talented.

You can start with a simple daily mood tracker, or a grocery list, or a period tracker, too! Pinterest is overflowing with ideas, so go look. You can jot down anything you wish, darling. Your dreams, your daily rant, prayers, a budget (yeah, right), or even your grocery list.

If you’re truly looking to improve on your writing skills, you can look up writing prompts. OR you can get a planner and write down your homework assignments and upcoming events.

The possibilities are ENDLESS!

If this is too much, maybe start with an entry a week, and move up from there. If you ever need someone to write with, let me know! I’d be more than happy to help you get started! I hope your journey to journaling is epic.




Esmeralda is a senior Marketing and Tourism major at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Her major interests include anything to do with food, organization and the outdoors. She usually buys more books than she can read, drinks too much coffee for her own good, and is a grilled cheese enthusiast. You can find her giving UTSA campus tours or actively getting her life together one calendar update at a time.
Dallasite located in San An / UTSA / Popsicle & Milkshake Enthusiast