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Important Tips and Lessons I’ve Learned Throughout College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Throughout my time at UTSA, I have learned a thing or two about figuring out life at college. These are lessons I’ve learned, and sometimes had to relearn a few times. But that’s okay! The past few years have definitely been a learning experience, and I hope others realize it will always have its ups and downs. Here are just a few tips and realizations I believe are important for those still navigating their way through college.

Find your own studying style

There are so many different ways to learn. I know people who will write their notes, others who speak out loud as if they are teaching someone, or just making flashcards. This is something that takes trial and error, but you will definitely find out what works best for you.

Get involved

Join an organization. Talk to people in your classes. Get to know your lab partners. Starting conservations can be nerve-racking, but it’s worthwhile in the end. I’ve met some of my closest friends in my classes and realize now that everyone gets nervous to talk to someone new. Trying to initiate a conversation never hurt anyone, so go for it!

Talk to your professors

For a long time, I always felt intimidated to talk to my professors. Especially those that are known to be tough on their students. However, at the end of the day it is their job to help their students, and most often are glad to help you understand difficult subjects.

Speak up and stand up for yourself

Whether it is correcting a professor on a mistake, or just on a regular basis while you’re out, speak up! It is still sometimes hard for me to do, but over time has become easier. Take charge of your own life and don’t be intimidated by possible conflicts.

Some friendships don’t last forever

Friends come and go, and that’s A-okay. I’ve met so many great people during my time at UTSA, but sometimes people just drift off and do their own thing. There are people who I’ve known for one or two semesters and we gradually stopped contacting one another. This is okay, people move on or graduate and take a different path, just as you will do!

Making mistakes and changing paths help you learn

I’m someone who has changed my mind about almost everything in life. Some might call me indecisive. I’ve also made a few mistakes along the way. However, changing my path and making mistakes is something I would never regret doing. They were all learning experiences and made me into the person I am today.

With graduation just around the corner, I can say that I am grateful for everything that I went through in college, both the good and the bad. I am certain these are all things that will help me guide my way through life after college. So don’t be afraid to try new things while you’re young. It’ll all become a learning experience!

Howdy! I'm Cassie and currently a senior studying Environmental Science getting little sleep throughout the semester. I love spending time with my dog, taking naps when I have time, and hiking the beautiful outdoors:)