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Jennifer Walker: Brawn, Brains, & Beauty

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

We all look up to strong and independent women, but how do we become one ourselves? UTSA student and bodybuilder, Jennifer Walker has that formula figured out. Find out more about Jenn below who is a beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside below. 

Name: Jennifer Walker

Nickname: Jenn

Hometown: Sugar Land, TX

Major: Kinesiology

Class of: 2018

Relationship Status: In a relationship with one amazing guy 

Woman you admire the most:

My Doctor, Mrs. Liza Leal, and my mother, Also Paige Hathaway is forever my Woman Crush.

Ideal Saturday:

Wake up mid-morning, Hit the gym with my love, come back eat some waffles, and head to the beach with some close friends, and ending the night with a bonfire and storytelling.

You’re a Type 1 Diabetic. What’s has your journey been with the disease? It’s been a ROLLERCOASTER, to put it at best. It’s been very difficult. I’ve pretty much had to figure out things the hard way and educate myself on my disease. When I was first diagnosed, I was embarrassed and pretty much tried to ignore the fact my life was going to change completely. I was prepping for my first show when the disease hit me. You never think something like this would happen to you, until it does, it was a huge surprise and blow. I’ve been in all kinds of situations that have very much been tough to get through, but here I am. I am now helping other diabetics who have lived with this disease way longer than I have and letting them know they aren’t alone.

What motivated you to not only live healthier, but get into fitness, and now body building? 

I’d always been into sports, but never took the gym seriously until I stumped upon a girl who had just competed in her first show. I knew that if she could do it, I could do it too. So in the process of prepping I had to learn how to portion, and count my Macronutrients. These skills taught me how to manage my diabetes, so I could say things happen for a reason. Body building to me is my biggest stress reliever. I just to run when I was younger to blow off steam, but now I find peace in the gym lifting weights. You can build the body you want, how could anyone not think that’s awesome?

What was training for your first competition like? Was is easier or harder than you expected?

It was much harder than I expected, I shall not lie. But I absolutely loved it. I had a goal and I was going to accomplish it no matter what, even if I had type one diabetes or not, I was not going to be stopped. Now for me, I believe it was much harder due to the disease. My body works completely different than others. I honestly think trying out competing is such a great way to learn discipline, and mental and physical strength! If someone can get through a prep with a good mind set, they can take on anything!

You’re very open about your struggle with diabetes, and proudly wore your insulin pump on stage at your last competition. What advice would you offer to not only people struggling with the stigmas that come from being a diabetes sufferer, but to anyone who is struggling with body image or self-acceptance issues?

Love yourself. If you don’t know how, learn. I had to learn to love myself with my disease and the changes my body went through due to it. I have helped many girls with this issue, actually. All their problems came down to one thing, they didn’t love themselves enough to take care of their bodies and see their true beauty. It’s mind-blowing to me how many Girls struggle with this. Society is the real damper, but we have to understand that every one of us was created for a specific reason and we all look unique. We should freaking flaunt our flaws and love who we are because, you we are awesome!!!

What would you say is the first step for anyone looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, and take better care of their body?

First step I would say, is to just go for it! Put some shoes on, and get your butt to the gym. Quite eating out so much and work for what you want. The first step in doing something, is the hardest part. Don’t worry about where your journey begins, everyone has to start somewhere. WE ONLY HAVE ONE BODY, LOVE IT AND TREAT IT RIGHT. YOUR HEALTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. 


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?I see myself working as an educator to those living with this disease, I Also see myself working as a trainer and hopefully still competing. What is life without goals after all? 


Can’t get enough of Jenn? Checkout her inspiring YouTube channel here, and follow her journey on Instagram @jennwalkfit!


Chloe is currently a senior trying to figure out how she's going to be capable of functioning as a real adult in less than a year. When she's not currently dealing with this quarter life crisis you can find her at happy hour, watching movies she knows will make her cry (& forcing her fiance to watch them with her, becaue #love, obsessing over her December wedding, and just generally trying to relive freshman year with her friends because she knows the best years of her life are about to end.