I have adored small handbags way before they became a trend. Although I live for the world’s collective love for charming mini bags, there comes a time when you must realize that they are not very practical for everyday use. My shoulder bags would only have space for my keys, small zipper wallet, and pocket hand sanitizer. Sometimes I can squeeze in lipstick if I place my items in a particular way that can help me make use of every inch of space. As a result, this daily real-life game of Tetris prompted me to find a purse that would allow me to put anything my heart desires.
The options are endless. I embraced the fact that I’m not a minimalist when I purchased a few tote bags. Now, I can fit something more than the absolute essentials, and I’m pretty happy about that. Gen-Z has come to embrace this as well, which is why there has been an inevitable increase in the use of tote bags. I presume that luxury brands have also noticed this, because there is a wide array of options when typing ‘tote bags’ on the search bar of any luxury brands’ website.
Nonetheless, there are options for every budget. Stores like Cotton On, Urban Outfitters, and Nordstrom carry unique tote bags for your everyday use. I personally find that tote bags are a statement piece, and allow space for creativity. Some people use it to their advantage to showcase a sliver of their personality this way. For instance, if you are politically outspoken, you may gravitate towards tote bags with a slogan from the movement you feel strongly about. Alternatively, if you are artistically inclined, the material of most tote bags makes it possible for you to paint on, and show off your artistic abilities to anyone you come across.
Chances are, I won’t retire my beloved mini shoulder bags anytime soon, but I have learned that it’s okay to use them sparingly and only when needed. Instead, I’ll dust off my New Yorker tote bag and give it the love it deserves this season.