Dating sucks- let’s be honest here, it’s a lot of effort and a lot of small talk. Buuuuut putting yourself out there does end up paying off especially once you’ve found the one you call “bae/babes/babe/honey/darling/sweetheart/any other embarrassing pet names that you can offer…”
How do you know when you’ve found the right kind of guy though? The one that you know will be there when you’re at your worst (be it post hangover or post stomach flu) and that’ll push you when you’re at your best (not getting a hangover post tequila shots or getting that amazing internship- priorities here).
Well, here are five things I’ve found that prove that he’s worth keepin’ around…
1) He makes you laugh.
A sense of humor goes a long way. If you can’t laugh at yourself from time to time, life is too serious. Laughter bonds two people in ways that nothing else can- inside jokes, funny memories, etc.
2) He goes out of his way to make you happy.
Is he sending you a “Good luck!” text before your huge exam? Swinging by your apartment “just cause”? Buying you flowers randomly? All great signs. All signs proving that he wants you to be happy no matter the outside circumstance.
3) He shares his life with you.
Is he sharing that story from when he was in middle school, playing basketball with his friends, and then ________? That’s showing that he not only wants you to be part of his present but his past as well… and ultimately: his future.
4) He communicates openly.
Real adults have real talk. Is he able to open up about how he really feels when you don’t do this or this? Or is he talking about it behind your back? Do little things become arguments or are they taken care of calmly? Communication and trust are the cornerstones of a successful relationship.
5) He makes life seem easy.
Just don’t overthink it- either he makes life easier or he doesn’t. One of the many great pieces of advice I got from my momma was that the person you choose to be by your side should make your life feel like a sunny day rather than a torrential downpour.