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Always Look Cute: Take the Seasonal Color Analysis Quiz!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Ever wonder why Scarlett Johansson looks fierce in red lipstick, but when you wear it you just look like a clown? Or why Anne Hathaway perfects the little black dress even though every time you wear one, you look pale and gaunt? Well, it turns out that every woman has a seasonal color palette – a group of colors that enhance her coloring rather than overpower it. Follow this flow chart to discover your season!

In the middle?
Say, for example, you have blonde hair, but dark brown eyes. Does that make you an autumn or a spring? Well, it actually makes you a combination. You may look better in the darker spring colors and the lighter autumn colors – experiment to see what you like best! For more information on the nuances in each color scheme, visit http://www.carolthompsonbeautysecrets.com/seasonal-color-analysis.html or http://www.thechicfashionista.com/seasonal-color-analysis-2.html#Warm%20springvsautumn.
Take this list shopping!
The next time you find yourself saying, “Hey, I don’t have anything in [insert color] – I should buy more of it…” Stop yourself! There’s probably a reason that color isn’t in your closet – it doesn’t match your season. Keep a list of your seasonal colors and take it shopping with you. Soon enough, every item in your wardrobe will be sure to enhance your natural beauty!

Francesca Lee is a fourth year majoring in sociology with a minor in media studies at the University of Virginia. This summer, she developed a passion for TV production after interning at WETA, the public television station for DC and the greater metro area.  Throughout the summer, Francesca researched, wrote and produced several WETA Around Town segments about the local arts programs and graffiti murals in DC.  As the new campus correspondent for Her Campus UVa, she is working to create video content for the UVa branch to supplement the written content.  This spring, she hopes to study abroad in Denmark and expand her knowledge of international broadcasting and advertising. Francesca also gives historical and admissions tours to visitors and prospective students at UVa and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority.