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Anandi Rahmann ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Anandi Rahman

Year: 4th

Major: Economics

What is your favorite UVA tradition?

Honestly, one of the best parts about UVa is that we have so many traditions that I love each and every one of them. We have so much school pride that I love everything from the small things such as ā€˜guys in ties, girls in pearlsā€™ to the big ones like Rotunda Sing or Trick-or-Treat on the Lawn. However, if I had to choose I think ā€˜Lighting of the Lawnā€™ would be my favorite. Itā€™s such an incredible time of the year as we near Christmas and itā€™s just beautiful how all our friends and peer come together to celebrate the season by supporting the Wounded Warrior Project. Being sandwiched by thousands of people at my favorite place at UVa, the Lawn, and hearing our talented Acapella singers while we sip on hot chocolate and wait for the lawn to light up is absolutely magical. Ā The Rotunda and Lawn have never looked prettier and this event Ā makes you realize that sometimes we take them for granted. .


What do you think makes UVA unique?

I think what makes UVa unique is its school pride and the history of this place that surrounds us. Everyday as I walk around this school I see people embracing UVa in every way be it from bleeding blue and orange to practising self-governance to picking up on the UVa linkgo, that it makes me feel like Iā€™m part of something here, something bigger than just the student community. Itā€™s just this connection that I feel with my fellow peers that makes me feel so at home and so proud to say Iā€™m a wahoo.


What is one of your favorite memories at UVA?

I think one of my favorite memories at UVa was from a tradition my friends and I started our first year. One day first semester my friends and I went to the Amphitheatre and blasted music on our loud speakers and just danced. We all had such a blast that we made it our own little tradition and every now and then we do that. It was absolutely liberating and we felt like th world was ours.

Another favorite memory was when my friends and I went to the Colonnade Ball downtown at the Old Metropolitan Hall our second year. It was a masquerade themed ball and it was by far one of my favorite nights at UVa. Iā€™m a big fan of formals and that night with my best friends we danced the night away till 1am. We bonded with some of our then 4th year friends and formed new relationships, we learned how to dance the Virginian, and it was one heck of a party.


Where is your favorite place to study?

My favorite place to study has been Clark throughout these 4 years just because it provided a good balance between a noisy environment and a quiet one. I loved the room with the murals because itā€™s such a great spot for quick study breaks you want to take with friends right after ordering coffee from Greenberryā€™s. However, after 1515 opened up that has become my new favorite study spot. Itā€™s absolutely ideal in the sense that if I really want to get work done Iā€™ll go to the top floor, if I want to get busy work done Iā€™ll sit with my friends on the first floor, and if I want a real study break and get my competitive side out then Iā€™ll challenge my friends at a game or two of foosball or air hockey. Itā€™s bright, itā€™s casual, and it has that Starbucks vibe but even better because its UVa owned.


Is there anything on your UVA bucketlist you still need to complete before graduation?

Definitely! I still have quite a few things to accomplish but the two that I want to do before I graduate are to take a picture with the ā€˜I love Charlottesvilleā€™ sign, because that statement couldnā€™t be more true, and stargaze at the McCormick Observatory, because Iā€™ve heard its beautiful.


What is your favorite place to eat on the corner?

I think it would have to be a tie between Lemongrass and Roots. Thai is my favorite cuisine and Roots is just a healthier and more fantastic version of Chipotle, so who wouldnā€™t love that!


What is a major life lesson you have learned from your time at UVA?

Itā€™s hard to really pinpoint one major life lesson because I think these 4 years have taught me more about life, myself, friends, and family than any other period in my life. I am not the same person I was first year and quite frankly you shouldnā€™t be because besides walking out as a smarter and more educated individual with a degree in your hand at the end of your four years youā€™re supposed to have allowed this college experience to change who you are for better or for worse. If you donā€™t then I think you have failed college. These 4 years are unlike any other that the freedom, the responsibilities you have, and life-changing experiences you have are supposed to have helped you figure out who are and what you want to do with your life. So a great lesson that I learnt is life is too short that you should make the most of this experience. There will never be a time in college when you get to the opportunity to interact with a larger group of diverse and talented individuals from whom you can learn great things in life about. This is the one time where you get to learn anything you want, absolutely anything so take time to find those weirdly interesting classes on subjects Ā youā€™ll never explore after graduation. This is the time to have the most fun and make some of the best memories in life with people who will call your soulmates so donā€™t wait for tomorrow or next month or for 4th year to do all the things you want. Do it now because that last semester of college comes sooner than you think and one of the worst things in life is to have too many regrets.


What will you miss most about UVA?

Everything, simply said. With less than 3 weeks till graduation I couldnā€™t be more sad to leave the place that I call home. I had always heard college was the best 4 years of your life but I never really truly understood what people meant when they told me that, but once you get here you realize that only is college the best 4 years of your life but that UVa and Charlottesville will always remain one of the best places on this planet that will always have a special place in my heart. But the one thing I will miss the most about UVa is the second family I found here. I can say that Iā€™m one of those few lucky individuals who found not only a new group of best friends, but soulmates for life and a new family who was always there for me. My friends are what made this experience so special. The energy of this place that I shared with them, the countless hours we spent everyday grabbing food or exploring UVa or partying or doing crazy things college kids do are what Iā€™ll miss the most. This is that one time in your life when you are the most carefree, have the most freedom, and have the opportunity to find some of the most special people in your life that I canā€™t thank UVa for giving me all that and more.