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Get Out Of Bed And Into The Gym This Semester

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

One of my favorite things about college is the ‘free’ gym. (Is anything on grounds free with the amount of tuition we pay?) I am a fourth year and I have experienced every gym UVA has to offer.. The first year was AFC, the second year was North Grounds, the third year was a combo of AFC and Mem Gym, and this year, it will be all three. My classes are spread out throughout the day and the only time I have is in the morning. When I say morning, I mean MORNING. This summer I began powerlifting and to fit my lifts in, and I had to get to the gym at 4:30 a.m. four days a week. It was amazing, but my motivation only lasted so long after moving back to my college apartment. On the first day of class, I stood outside of the door of North Grounds at 5:30 a.m. for a squat day but the time progressively got later and later as the week progressed.  

This semester I have 8:30 am classes, which means the only time I have during the day is in the morning, and I cannot afford to miss the gym or class. To get myself back on the early bird train, here are some tricks I used this summer to get into the gym, and if I can do it, so can you! 

  1. Bribery. Give yourself something to look forward to. Mine is typically my pre-workout, specifically my Skittle-flavored C4 can. It tastes like Skittles were melted down into Sprite, not good by any means but it gets me out of bed, it is magical.  
  2. Cute Outfit. Have I used my lack of motivation to enable myself to buy new gym outfits? Maybe… But when I am feeling confident and stylish, it helps me lift heavier. To make sure my fit is not going to waste, I typically send my girlfriend a picture of me in my cute gym fit in the mirror, (North Grounds has the best one). My go-to is a cute sports bra, some tie-die butt scrunch shorts, and some beat-up Converse.  
  3. Hype Man/Gym Buddy. Life is easier when you have support, and having a gym friend to go with you is an amazing way to keep yourself accountable. I do not, none of my friends will get up before sunrise to go with me, so instead I have my little brother 3,000 miles away hyping me up over text. My little brother is my best friend and when I send him pump photos, he is the ultimate hype man. It is nice to have someone notice the hard work you are putting in, so it is super important.  
  4. Fitness Instagram. This one is a little out there, but this summer my brother and I started a fitness Instagram. It is nothing crazy, but it was nice to be able to keep a record of how many times I woke up on time. On Instagram, I post new PRs, my favorite gym fits, good pumps, and just gym-related content. It is something I can do with my brother from across the country, but also something that keeps me excited for my morning gym time.  
  5. Podcast/Music. Do you have a favorite podcast or album you are listening to right now? Save it for the morning. When I have a good hyper-fixation song, the gym gets so much more fun, especially when it is something I can dance to between sets. (I highly recommend Reggaeton or K-pop). On the other hand, sometimes when I am in a podcast mood, I will listen to true crime (although I do not recommend it when you are walking through a dark parking lot).  

Most of these tips work to motivate me to get up in the morning. I enjoy being one of the only people in the gym. I do not have to wait for machines or embarrass myself with my between-set dance moves, and these tips truly work for any time of day. Having something to look forward to will get you in the gym and on your way to being your most strong and confident self. Stay buff out there my lovely ladies and enjoy the gym!

Savannah Hafer is an author and social media member for Her Campus at the University of Virginia, she primarily enjoys writing about local events on grounds and topics of interest such as self-betterment, women's empowerment, and career opportunities for women in STEM. Outside of writing, she is a third-year Aerospace Engineering Major at the University. She spent her last summer in the judicial system interning under a County Supreme Court Justice, specializing in criminal law. Although seemingly unrelated to her major, she plans on becoming a Patent Lawyer for aeronautical and aerospace companies using her background in both engineering and flying to aid in her final goal. Outside of her career building and academics she is an Eagle Scout and prioritizes following 'do a good turn daily' as her mantra and finds purpose in empowering the wonderful and strong women around her. She loves backpacking, mountain biking, playing rugby, and writing in her spare time between classes. If she's not outside or in class you'll find her in the gym between the weights and racks probably trying to figure out how many reps she's done because she lost count.