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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

We all know how it goes with a dying friendship. At first, you don’t notice the small ways you guys aren’t as close as you used to be: you text less often, you laugh less, and maybe you find yourself not enjoying spending time with that friend like you used to. But when you do notice, you chalk it up to you both being busy and life being hectic. Time goes on, and when you sit down at dinner with them after a long time, you realize that even though so much has been happening in your life you have no desire to tell them any of it. Because your lives have diverged on two completely different paths, and you both aren’t the same person you were at the start of the friendship. You stare across the table at that person, and you realize that both of you know nothing about each other anymore.

I’m here to tell you that it’s OK. Don’t feel guilty about letting the friendship fade away. Sometimes people are only destined to stay in our lives for a certain amount of time. It is better to let yourself keep the beautiful memories instead of trying to fight the naturalness of the end of the friendship.Sometimes people just grow apart, and that’s just a part of life. Be thankful for the friendship you shared, but don’t try to live in a past version of your friendship that no longer exists.

Gabriella is a fourth-year at the University of Virginia majoring in History and Archaeology with a Spanish minor. She hopes to attend law school in the future and is passionate about repatriation, restorative justice, and sexual respect. She currently serves as the Her Campus at UVA's Campus Correspondent/Vice President! In Gabriella's free time, she enjoys reading fantasy books, working out, traveling, and finding new music to listen to! Around grounds, she is also involved with her sorority and CORE (Culture of Respect Educators)!